Location: Atlantis, Spiky Tower
Depth: 385

Answer: click here to reveal

Dogma's god? (6, 10)
Arsonist who targets people's spines? (4, 6)
Cause of Lestat's upset tummy? (3, 5)
Mao's treatise at relativistic speed? (4, 4)
A real head case? (7)
Petri dishes that really don't go together? (7, 5)
Playwright Arthur after cleaning out the attic? (5, 6)
How wounded tennis players sit in the stands? (5, 2, 5)
Monarch of Memphis? (5, 7)
Outstanding parts of deer or pheasants? (4, 10)
Revolting household gel? (5, 8, 7)
Beyoncé's response to being given a trampoline? (6, 6)
Ricky's account of a trip to Monterrey mental ward? (5, 2, 4, 4)
Captain Reynolds between Inara and Saffron? (7, 2, 3, 6)
Prince of Wales after a match at Steer Roast? (5, 7)
How the vampires' race ended? (4, 3, 4)
Jean-Paul's major firecode violation? (2, 4)
Rosie when her gears have rusted and belts worn out? (3, 4)
Who got eaten by the green-ey'd monster? (7)
Reveal that the glass wall opening is gay? (3, 3, 6)
.apk and .ipa? (5, 10)
Urge the chef? (8, 6)
Starlet lost in translation? (8, 9)
Replacement of a bad tire? (5, 6)
Barry, Robin, and Maurice's accomplishment, at least until 2003? (6, 5)
Try before you buy, for hiring? (4, 2, 4)
How ballerinas compete for rank? (3, 2, 3)

9 7 8 1 2 3 5 4 5

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