Location: School of Fish
Depth: 40

Solution to Feeling Bluefin

by Catherine Olsson


Each blank in the story stands for the name of a fish:

Ever since my beer-loving spouse left me, I've been feeling so lonely without my ALEWIFE. I decided to call my friend SALMON the phone to get some advice. She's a real RAY of sunshine and always makes me feel BETTA. I had a splitting HADDOCK so I took some aspirin, sat down in my favorite comfy CHAR, and dialed the phone. "I've been feeling really down, Sam" I said. "I know you probably don't give a CARP about all this, but my future looks so barren and BLEAK. Can you help me?" "Sure thing!" she said. "You'll EEL better in no time! It's no use being elusive, shy, and KOI. When you've got friends, there's no need to flail and FLOUNDER around! Want me to come over?" "I'm not sure, I'll have to MULLET over before I can decide. I feel just so SHAD and lonely and blue without my spouse. I'm sure she was my SOLE mate!" "Music might take your mind off it," Sam offered. "I've been HERRING a really groovy TUNA by Meghan Trainor on the radio. Come to my PLAICE and we'll listen to it!" "Great idea! I really love her song 'HALIBUT that BASS'." "I can also get some takeout, and we can watch a movie you love." "Food sounds great, but I recommend that you SKIPJACK-in-the-Box: last time I got food there, my whole house SMELT like burgers all week. As for movies, I vote we watch a MARLIN Brando film. It's been too long since I last saw The CODfather!"

After filling in all the fish puns, the boxed letters spell FOR A DACE LIFT SEE A PLASTIC

For a face lift, you should see a plastic surgeon. A dace is a kind of fish, so naturally, you should see a plastic STURGEON.