Location: Aquatic Acquaintances
Depth: 78

Solution to Spongebob

by Elizabeth Krueger and Sonia Jaffe


Each item refers to the answer to a puzzle. From the puzzle you can see what depth the puzzle is that. You then use the puzzle depth and dive/surface times with the PADI dive table to get the letters.

A speech (97 min)RANTEh?40 ftU
A good day (27 min)FUNDAY MONDAYImba N
Plants (14 min)ROSESHashi It Out60 ftT
Something you’ve heard before (170 min)REPRISETime Is Out of Joint A
Something you save for the end (21 min)EIGHTBALLA Puzzle Consisting...80 ftN
A squid (40 min)BLOOPERThis Puzzle Has No Errata G
An instrument (4 min)TUBAHash110 ftL
Something by the door (48 min)FLOORMATEscape from the Classroom E
A computer program (30 min)OPERADenizens of the Deep35 ftL
A sport interval (16 min)OVERNope! I
A fish with no scales (20 min)STURGEONFeeling Bluefin40 ftN
A colorful bird (55 min)BLUEFINCHMisspelled Insects E
A point of entry (39 min)CITYGATESPer-verse Poetry50 ftS

Using PADI dive tables like the following (from http://www.scubatoronto.com):

a time and depth gives a decompression group letter. Then a “surface interval” time (given by the workshop puzzles which are on the surface) gives a new letter group. These are plugged into table 2:

Combined with the depth for the next dive, it gives residual minutes of nitrogen. Added to the minutes of the next dive, and plugged into table 1, this again gives a letter. For example, 97 minutes at 40 feet gives U. A surface interval of 27 minutes lowers it to N. On table 2, N at 60 feet (the depth of the second dive gives 35 remaining minutes. Added to the 14 minutes of the dive, gives 49 minutes at 60 feet, which in table 1, gives a T.

Follow this procedure to the end, alternating dives and surfaces, to get the answer, UNTANGLE LINES.