lsq {SparseM} | R Documentation |
One of the four matrices from the least-squares solution of problems in surveying that were used by Michael Saunders and Chris Paige in the testing of LSQR
A list of class
or matrix.ssc.hb
on how the coefficient matrix is stored with the following components:
ra ra component of the csc or ssc format of the coefficient matrix, X.
ja ja component of the csc or ssc format of the coefficient matrix, X.
ia ia component of the csc or ssc format of the coefficient matrix, X.
rhs.ra ra component of the right-hand-side, y, if stored in csc or ssc format; right-hand-side stored in dense vector or matrix otherwise.
rhs.ja ja component of the right-hand-side, y, if stored in csc or ssc format; a null vector otherwise.
rhs.ia ia component of the right-hand-side, y, if stored in csc or ssc format; a null vector otherwise.
xexactvector of the exact solutions, b, if they exist; a null vector o therwise.
guessvector of the initial guess of the solutions if they exist; a null vector otherwise.
dimdimenson of the coefficient matrix, X.
rhs.dimdimenson of the right-hand-side, y.
rhs.modestorage mode of the right-hand-side; can be full storage or same format as the coefficient matrix.
Koenker, R and Ng, P. (2002). SparseM: A Sparse Matrix Package for R,
Matrix Market,
data(lsq) class(lsq) # -> [1] "" model.matrix(lsq)->X class(X) # -> "matrix.csr" dim(X) # -> [1] 1850 712 y <- model.response(lsq) # extract the rhs length(y) # [1] 1850