LOCKER: r_v3.3.1 FILE: /mit/r_v3.3.1/README.athena CONTENTS: R 3.3.1, RStudio 0.99.903 version locker Bioconductor 3.4 DESCRIPTION: R is a system for statistical computation and graphics, with an internal programming language. It bears a passing resemblance to the S language developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories, and to the subsequent commercial Splus application. ESS is a set of Emacs modes developed for R and related statistical computation systems. RStudio is a GUI for R. HOW TO RUN: COMMAND: add r R (text-only version) or, from within Emacs, M-x R to start an R process rstudio (GUI version) FROM GNOME MENU: no INTERFACES: command-line, GUI (rstudio) VERSIONS: For Linux 32/64: R 3.3.1, Bioconductor 3.3 DEPENDENCIES: Java runtime, in "current" java locker for some functionality DATAFILES: Platform-independent LICENSE SERVER: no ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPORT ISSUES -- I/S SUPPORT: CONSULTING: none TRAINING: none DOCUMENTATION: pdf docs in /mit/r_v3.3.1 directory, online html docs Ipopt interface: https://ipopt_v3.12.6/doc/ipoptr.pdf OTHER SUPPORT: CONSULTING: (none) TRAINING: much material is on the web, at the site DOCUMENTATION: ESS documentation at WEB PAGE: (R) (ESS) (RStudio) BUG REPORTS: Use sendbug ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL ISSUES -- STATUS: freely distributable under GPL; see for details SITES: any RESTRICTIONS: DOCUMENTATION: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THIS LOCKER -- MAINTAINER(S): 3partysw (group), alexp DIRECTORY STRUCTURE: arch - arch hierarchy bin - link to bin dir, containing main binaries, others ess-16.04 - link to ess files (emacs modes for R) lib - link to lib dirs (binaries, libraries, misc files) man - man pages share - link to misc helper files, man pages MODIFY HISTORY: 8/11/16 - Alex Prengel Created this README.athena, initial locker setup 1/23/17 - Alex Prengel Updated all packages and bioconductor to the latest available versions ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install additional R packages: You will need to store these in a directory where you have write permission, such as your home directory. Assuming your username is myusername and the R package directory is R-packages, first create this directory if it doesn't exist already. Download the source package from such as package.tar.gz. Type at the Athena prompt: R CMD INSTALL package.tar.gz -l /mit/myusername/R-packages/ To load the package within R, type: > library("packagename", lib.loc="/mit/myusername/R-packages/") ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS: You may get error messages at RStudio launch like: load glyph failed err=6 face=0x2c93720, glyph=2680 QApplication::qAppName: Please instantiate the QApplication object first This should be harmless and can be ignored. The R FAQ at is an excellent source of information about R. There is an Emacs mode for R available through the ESS package (installed in the locker). To enable it, you must add the following line to your ~/.emacs file (create the file if it does not already exist): (load "/afs/athena/software/r_v3.3.1/ess-16.04/lisp/ess-site") To use it, type add r then, start Emacs after adding the line above to your .emacs file, and from within Emacs: M-x R Help on ESS is available with Emacs after you invoke an R process by typing: C-h m Many add on packages are available. We will consider adding additional ones requested by MIT users (send requests to the mailing list). To see the ones that are currently installed, type: > library() at the R > prompt. A package for using the ipopt non-linear solver has been added (64 bit only). to run it within R: add r; R > library(ipoptr) followed by usage of the ipopt package routines you wish to use. For documentation see