1. C. Finn, J. Duyck, A. Hutcheon, P. Vera, J. Salas and S. Ravela Relevance Feedback in Biometric Retrieval of Animal Photographs, MCPR 2014(to appear)

  2. P. Tagade, H. Seybold and S. Ravela Mixture Ensembles for Data Assimilation in Dynamic Data-Driven Environmental Applications, Proc. International Conference on Computational Science, 2014(to appear)

  3. P. Tagade and S. Ravela On a Quadratic Measure of Mutual Information for Data Assimilation, American Control Conference, 2014 (to appear)

  4. P. Tagade and S. Ravela Mixture and Kernel Models of Inference for Coherent Structures, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 16, EGU2014-13504, 2014(to appear)

  5. S. Ravela Spatial Inference for Coherent Geophysical Fluids by Appearance and Geometry, Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2014 (to appear)

  6. S. Ravela, W. J. Dupree, T. R. Langlois, M. M. Wolfson, C. M. Yang, Method and apparatus for generating a forecast weather image, United States Patent US8625840 B2, 2014

  7. S. Ravela, I. Sleder and J. Salas, Mapping Coherent Atmospheric Structures with Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems , Proc. Infotech@Aerospace, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control and Co-located Conference, 2013

  8. S. Ravela, J. Duyck and C. Finn, Vision-based Biometrics for Conservation , Pattern Recognition, LNCS, vol. 7914, pp.10-19, 2013

  9. S. Ravela, Tracking and Mapping Coherent Structures , Proc. ICCS 2013 (to appear)

  10. K. Emanuel and S. Ravela, Synthetic Storm Simulation for Wind Risk Assessment, In Against the Deluge: Storm Surge Barriers to Protect New York City (ed: Hill, Bowman and Khinda), ASCE, pp.15-37, 2013.

  11. J. Belden, S. Ravela, A. Techet and T. Truscott Three-dimensional bubble field resolution using synthetic aperture imaging: application to a plunging jet , Experiments in Fluids, 2012 (Online first)

  12. S. Ravela Quantifying Uncertainty for Coherent Structures, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 9, 2012, pp. 1187-1196

  13. J. Belden, S. Ravela, T. T. Truscott, A. H. Techet, Three-dimensional Synthetic Aperture Imaging and Resolution of Multi-phase Flows, Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2011 (AJK2011), Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan, July 24-29, 2011

  14. C. J. Seto and S. Ravela, Differential Image Analysis to Extract Subsurface Flow Dynamics From High Resolution Surface Deformation Measurements, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, June, 2010

  15. C. J. Seto, S. Ravela and G. McRae, Reducing Risk in CO2 Sequestration: A Framework for Integrated Monitoring of Basin Scale Injection, XVIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, June, 2010

  16. C. J. Seto and S. Ravela, Integration of Surface Deformation and Pattern Recognition for Monitoring Basin-Scale CO2 Sequestration, Gordon Conference on Flow and Transport in Permeable Media,, July, 2010

  17. S. Ravela, J. Marshall, C. Hill, A. Wong and S. Stransky, A Realtime Observatory for Laboratory Simulation of Planetary Flows, Experiments in Fluids, 48(5):915-925, 2010

  18. S. Ravela and K. Emanuel, Statistical-deterministic approach to natural disaster prediction, US Patent US7734245 B2, CA2635686A1, EP1971883A2, EP1971883A4, US20070168155, WO2007084315A2, WO2007084315A3, 2010

  19. C. Yang and S. Ravela, Spectral Control of Viscous Alignment for Deformation Invariant Image Matching, Proc. ICCV, pp. 1303-1310, 2009, Kyoto, Japan.

  20.   Sai Ravela, Chris Yang, John William and Kerry Emanuel, An Objective Framework for Assimilating Coherent Structures, WMO Symposium on Nowcasting, 2009.

  21. K Emanuel, S Ravela, Using Physics to Generate Tropical Cyclone Event Catalogs, AGU 2009

  22. S. Ravela and K. Emanuel, A Statistical-Deterministic Approach to Hurricane Risk Prediction, In “Against the Deluge: Storm Surge Barriers to Protect New York City” ASCE/NYAS Workshop, NY.

  23. S. Ravela, J. Williams and K. Emanuel, Joint Position-Amplitude Formulation for Hurricane State Estimation, AGU 2008.

  24. E. Basha, S. Ravela and D. Rus, Model-Based Monitoring for Early Warning Flood Detection, SensSys 08, 2008.

  25. S. Ravela. J. Marshall, C. Hill, A. Wong and S. Stransky, Tracking Rotating Fluids in Realtime Using Snapshots, CVPR 08, 2008. (Use Journal Paper)

    This paper introduces Data Assimilation to Vision community

  26. S. Ravela, Data Assimilation by Maximizing Mutual Information, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-11090, 2008.

    This paper describes the use of Quadratic Mutual Information (Kapur, 94) using Renyi Entropy (Renyi, 1961) with Kernel Density representations (Torkkola, 03) for state estimation. Permits an optimization framework using Mutual information, aka Information Potentials.

  27. S. Ravela et al., Visual Recapture at Interannual Timescales, Workshop on Visual Observation and Analysis of Animal and Insect Behavior, Tampa, 2008

  28. L. Gamble, S. Ravela and K. McGarigal, Multi-scale features for identifying individuals in large biological databases: an application of pattern recognition technology in amphibian research, Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (1), pp. 170-180, February 2008 (Appears online 08/2007)

  29. S. Ravela and D. McLaughlin, Fast Ensemble Smoothing, Ocean Dynamics, 57(2):123-134, April 2007

  30. S. Ravela, J. Marshall, C. Hill, A. Wong, S. Stransky, A Realtime Laboratory Observatory for Data Assimilation Research, EGU 07, Vienna, April 2007.

  31. S. Ravela, J. Marshall, C. Hill, A. Wong, S. Stransky, Realtime Observatories for Laboratory Analogs of Planetary Flows, Dynamics Days, Boston, January 2007

  32. S. Ravela, Two New Directions in Data Assimilation by Field Alignment, Proc. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 07), LNCS vol 4487, part 1, pp. 1147-1154, 2007.

  33. Ravela, J. Marshall, C. Hill, A. Wong and S. Stransky, A Realtime Observatory for Laboratory Simulation of Planetary Circulation, Proc. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 07), LNCS vol 4487, part 1, pp. 1155-1162, 2007. (Use Journal Paper)

  34. S. Ravela, K. Emanuel and D. McLaughlin, Data Assimilation by Field Alignment, Physica D, 230(1):127-145, 2007 (Available online, Nov. 2006)  

  35. K. Emanuel, S. Ravela, C. Risi, and E. Vivant, A Statistical Deterministic Approach to Hurricane Risk Assessment, BAMS 87(3): 299-314, March 2006.

  36. S. Ravela and V. Chatdarong How do we deal with position errors in observations and forecasts?  Annual Congress of the European Geosciences Union, 2006

  37. S. Ravela Amplitude-Position formulation of Data Assimilation, Workshop on Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems, May 2006, Reading UK

  38. S. Ravela On the Scale-Space Markov Approximation for Fast Ensemble Filtering, Annual Congress of the European Geosciences Union, 2006

  39. S. Ravela and V. Chatdarong, Rainfall Advection Using Velocimetry by Multiresolution Viscous Alignment, Technical Report arXiv, physics/0604158, April 2006.

  40. S. Ravela, L. Gamble and K. McGarigal, Multi-scale Features for Identifying Individuals in Large Biological Databases, Annual Meeting of the Society of Conservation Biology, 2006

  41. L. Gamble, K. McGarigal, S. Ravela, Fidelity and Dispersal in the Pond Breeding Amphibian Ambystoma Opacum: Implications for Spatial Popultation, Dynamics and Conservation, Annual Conference of the Society of Conservation Biology, San Jose, June 2006.

  42. S. Ravela, A. Torralba and W. T. Freeman, An Ensemble Prior of Image Structure for Cross-modal Inference, Proc. 10th International Conference of Computer Vision (ICCV 05), vol. 1, pp. 871-876, October 2005.

  43. S. Ravela and D. McLaughlin, Fast Ensemble Smoothing, EGU 2005.

  44. S. Friedman and S. Ravela, Environmental State Estimation for Sustainable Practices, WSC Conference on Sustainable Development, 2005

  45. S. Ravela, An Ensemble Approach to Data Assimilation in the Earth Sciences  NSF Grantees meeting , 2005

  46. S. Ravela, Shaping Receptive Fields for Affine Invariance, Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 04), vol. 2,  no. 2.,  pp. 725-730, 2004.

  47. S. Ravela and Lloyd Gamble, On Recognizing Individual Salamanders, Proc. Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 04), (2):741-747, 2004.  

  48. S. Ravela, K. Emanuel and D. McLaughlin, Multivariate Field Alignment for Data Assimilation, Second International Congress of the European Geosciences Union, 2004.

  49. S. Ravela, K. Emanuel and D. McLaughlin, Data Assimilation by Field Alignment for Coherent Structures, 26th Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology Conference, Miami, FL, 3 7 May 2004.

  50. W. G. Lawson, S. Ravela, J. Hansen, K. Emanuel and D. McLaughlin, Data-Assimilation of Coherent Features: Accounting for Non-linearity from displacement errors, Ensemble Forecasting Workshop, 18-20 Sep 2003, Val-Morin, Quebec

  51. S. Ravela, K. Emanuel and D. McLaughlin, Data Assimilation by Field Alignment, Roger F. Daley Memorial Symposium, 28 Sept - 1 Oct, 2003, Montreal, Canada.

  52. S. Ravela, J. Hansen, C. Hill, J. Marshall and H. Hill, On Ensemble-based Multi-Scale Assimilation, European Geosciences Union, 2003

  53. S. Ravela, W. G. Lawson, J. Hansen, K. Emanuel and D. McLaughlin, On Phase-based Data Assimilation, Ineternational Union of Geophysics and Geodesy, 2003

  54. J. Mitteldorf, S. Ravela, R. Bell, D. Seetharam, D. Boccelli, D. H. Croll, On the Prudent Predator: Individual-based Modeling of Multilevel Selection and the Evolution of Predatory Restraint,  InterJournal Complex Systems (540), 2002.

  55. Joshua Mitteldorf, David H. Croll and S. Chandu Ravela, Multilevel Selection and the Evolution of Predatory Restraint, Artificial Life (ALIFE 02)-8, 2002.

  56. S. Uppala, D. R. Karuppiah, M. Brewer, S. Ravela and R. Grupen, On Viewpoint Control, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 02), pp. 4334-4339, 2002.

  57. S. Ravela, On Multi-scale Differential Features and their Representations for Recognition and Retrieval, Ph.D Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 2002.

  58. Gary Holness, Deepak Karuppiah, Subramanya Uppala, S. Chandu Ravela, Roderic Grupen, A Service Paradigm for Reconfigurable Agents,  Second International Workshop on Infrastructure for Agents, MAS, and Scalable MAS, Montreal, May 29, 2001

  59. S. Chandu Ravela, Multiscale representations for face recognition, SPIE Vol. 4232, pp. 19-28, Enabling Technologies for Law Enforcement and Security; Simon K. Bramble, Edward M. Carapezza, Lenny I. Rudin; Eds., Feb 2001

  60. S. Ravela and Allen Hanson, On Multi-Scale Differential Features for Face Recognition, Proc. Vision Interface, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 15-21, 2001.

  61. S. Ravela and C. Luo, Appearance-based Global Similarity Retrieval of Images In Advances in Information Retrieval, W. Bruce Croft (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers 2000.

  62. S. Ravela, R. Manmatha and E. M. Riseman, Image retrieval by syntactic characterization of appearance, US Patent US5987456 A, 1999.

  63. S. Ravela and R. Manmatha, Gaussian Filtered Representations of Images, The Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Engineering ed. John Webster, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 289-307, 1999.

  64. S. Ravela, S. and Manmatha, R., "Multi-modal retrieval of trademark images using global similarity" Technical Report TR99-32, Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

  65. Rohini K. Srihari, Zhongfei Zhang, R. Manmatha, Chandu Ravela: Indexing and Retrieval, SIGIR'99 Workshop Summary. SIGIR Forum 33(1): 34-35, 1999

  66. S. Ravela and R. Manmatha, On Computing Global Appearance Similarity in Images, Proc. 4th IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 98), pp. 82-87, 1998.

  67. S. Ravela, and R. Manmatha, Retrieving Images by Appearance, International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 98), pp. 608-613, 1998.

  68. Rohini K. Srihari, Zhongfei Zhang, R. Manmatha, Chandu Ravela: Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval, Summary Report. ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR) Forum 32(2): 29-30, 1998

  69. S. Ravela, R. Manmatha, R. and Croft, W.B. , "Retrieval of trademark and gray-scale images using global similarity" CIIR Technical Report MM-25, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA

  70. S. Ravela and R. Manmatha, Image Retrieval By Appearance, Proc. ACM Conf. of Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR 97), 1997.

  71. S. Ravela and R. Manmatha, Retrieving Images by Similarity of Visual Appearance, Proc. Workshop on Content Based Access of Image Databases, Puerto Rico, June 1997.

  72. R. Manmatha and S. Ravela, A Syntactic Characterization of Appearance and its Application to Image Retrieval, SPIE conf. on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging II, Vol 3016, Feb. 1997.

  73. S. Ravela and R. Manmatha, A Characterization of Visual Appearance Applied to Image Retrieval, DARPA IUW 1997.

  74. S. Ravela R. Manmaatha and E. Riseman, Scale Space Matching and Image Retrieval, DARPA IUW 1996 (Use ECCV paper) 

  75. S. Ravela, B. Draper, J. Lim,R. Weiss Tracking Object Motion Across Aspect Changes for Augmented Reality, DARPA IUW 1996 (Use IROS Paper)

  76. S. Ravela, R. Manmatha and E. M. Riseman, Image Retrieval Using Scale Space Matching, (ECCV 96) 1996.

  77. S. Ravela, T. Schnackertz, R. Grupen, R. Weiss, E. Riseman, and A. Hanson, Temporal Registration for Assembly, Proc. Workshop on Vision for Robots, pp. 64-69, Pittsburgh, August 6, 1995.

  78. S. Ravela, B. Draper, J. Lim,R. Weiss, Adaptive Tracking and Model Registration Across Distinct Aspects, Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robots and Systems (IROS 95), 1995.

  79. S. Badal, S. Ravela, B. Draper, and A. Hanson, A Practical Obstacle Detection And Avoidance System, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 94), 1994.

  80. S. Ravela, R. Manmatha and E. M. Riseman, Retrieval from Image Databases Using Scale-Space Matching, CmpSci Technical Report 95-104, UMASS, Amherst, MA, November 1995 (Use ECCV 96 Paper).

  81. S. Ravela, B. Draper, J. Lim,R. Weiss, Adaptive Tracking and Model Registration Across Distinct Aspects, Technical Report CmpSci Tr95-21, Dept. of Computer Science, UMass, Amherst (use IROS paper).

  82. S. Ravela and R. Weiss, Model Based Visual Feature Tracking for Assembly,  NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, pp. 555-556, La Jolla, California, Jan. 4-6, 1995.

  83. S. Ravela, R. Weiss, B. Draper, B. Pinette, A. Hanson, E. Riseman, Stealth Navigation: Planning and Behaviors, Advanced Research Projects Agency Image Understanding Workshop, 1994.

  84. S. Ravela, A Survey of Reactivity, Technical Report CmpSci TR92-61, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01002, 1992. Send Me Email. Hard Copy Only






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