*** Breaking News (well, as of 10/2000). ***

You may have noticed that we haven't had meetings the past few weeks. Matt, Max, and Eric are insanely busy organizing and running the seminars, but if someone else (like you...) wants to organize the biweekly meetings, get guest speakers, find money for food, do publicity, and so on, then we might actually have meetings again!

REC Meetings

(combination Show & Tell, Guest Speakers, Hanging Out, and Food)

This term REC meetings will happen every other week. Check back here for info about upcoming seminars, or email us to be added to the REC mailing list.

We get togther for an hour or two to talk about projects we are working on or want to start working on. It's part show and tell, part robotics and electronics gossip.

Meetings are held Thursday, 5:30 PM, in 4-402. All are welcome. If you have something to share, send mail to rec-officers@mit.edu and we will put in on our weekly announcement. Or just show up.

Only vaguely related: a REC to-do list for the short to medium term. Anything to add? Want to do one of these?

Past and Future Meetings

Yobotics 3/16/2000


