Projects Built By Workshop Alumni

This is a partial showcase of projects. To add your project, email

Computer Controlled Blast Furnace

Holly Gates, a workshop organizer, used a relay to control a motor that turns the propane valve of his blast furnace. There is no link you can click on to control the blast furnace, so stop looking.

A picture of a computer-controlled propane torch.

Temperature Sensor and Log

Andrew Huang, a workshop organizer, attached two LM335 temperature sensors, one in his room, and one outside, to his computer. He makes this information avaliable over the net using a modified version of the finger demon called c-fingerd. By fingering, you can find out the current temperature in his room or the town of brookline. By fingering, you can see a graph of the temperature inside and outside over the past three days. You can use the graph to determine when his window was open, TV was on, and so on. Benjie Chen, a participant in the Octoiber 15, 1995 workshop, wrote the CGI script that makes the finger information avaliable to users of the World Wide Web.

Light Intensity Sensor and Log

Brian Robinson, a participant in the October 15, 1995 workshop, attached a photoresistor to his computer. He makes the current light intensity in his room and and a graph of the light intensity of the past 24 hours avaliable over the net using c-fingerd. Finger

Ara Knaian <>