The Net Advance of Physics History and Philosophy:
- Home Page of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy in the Astronomische Gesellschaft
Observatories, by Kevin Krisciunas: [Encyclopedia of Astronomy and
- Greek Astronomy (Library of Congress Vatican Exhibit)
- History of Space Exploration Views of the Solar System by Calvin J. Hamilton
- The Debate between Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis on the Scale of the Universe (Homepage)
The Discovery of Sgr A*, by W. M. Goss et al., 2003/05.
A Brief History of AGN, by G. A. Shields, 99/03;
Photometric Redshifts: A Perspective from an Old-Timer
on Its Past, Present, and Potential, by D. C.
Koo, 99/07:
The Evolution of Neutrino Astronomy, by
J. Bahcall and R. Davis; 99/11
Piecing Together the Big Picture, by Martin Rees, 2000/12:
A Brief History of Astronomical Brightness Determination
Methods at Optical Wavelengths, by K.
Krisciunas, 2001/06:
Cosmic Expansion and Hubble's Constant, by
G. Tammann and B. Reindl, 2002/08:
History of Astrophysics in Antarctica, by
B. T. Indermuehle et al. 2003/09;
Return to History and Philosophy of Science Page
To contribute to this page, write Karen Rae Keck.