The Net Advance of Physics:
History and Philosophy:
Nevil Maskelyne
Nevil Maskelyne at Mac Tutor
[St. Andrews University]
The Harrison-Maskelyne Affair
by J. Donald Fernie
[American Scientist 91, (2003 September/October)]
Somewhat hostile account of Maskelyne's controversy with
the clockmaker John Harrison during the quest for a
solution to the longitude problem.
Grave of Dr. Nevil Maskelyne
[Find A Grave]
- Nevil Maskelyne: The Seaman's Astronomer
by Derek Howse [Cambridge, 1989]
- Longitude by Dava Sobel [New York: Walker, 1995]
Chapter One of White Magic: The Story of Maskelynes
by Jasper Maskelyne [London: Stanley Paul, undated]
A famous dynasty of
Victorian and Edwardian stage-magicians
claimed to be descended from Nevil Maskelyne. In this
memoir, one of the magical Maskelynes talks about how
rural people attributed his ancestor's astronomical skills to
- Mason & Dixon by Thomas Pynchon
[New York: Holt, 1997] Maskelyne appears as a character in the
celebrated postmodernist novel.
Papers of Neville Maskelyne at the Royal Greenwich Observatory Archives
Description of the archive. [Janus]
A Proposal for Discovering the Annual Parallax of Sirius
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 51, 895 (1759)]
A Theorem of the Aberration of the Rays of Light Refracted
Through a Lens, on Account of the Imperfection of the Spherical Figure
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 52, 17 (1761)]
A Letter to William Watson, M.D.
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 52, 26 (1761)]
concerning the Transit of Venus expedition in progress.
An Account of the Observations Made on the Transit of
Venus, June 6, 1761, in the Island of St. Helena
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 52, 196 (1761)]
Observations on a Clock of Mr. John Shelton, Made at St. Helena
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 52, 434 (1761)]
The purpose of the experiment: to see whether a pendulum clock runs at
the same speed at all latitudes (and thus whether the force of gravity
depends on latitude).
A Letter to the Rev. Thoms Birch
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 52, 558 (1761)]
describing Maskelyne's attempt to determine the longitude of a ship at sea.
Observations on the Tides in the Island of St. Helena
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 52, 586 (1761)]
Concise Rules for Computing the Effects of Refraction and
Parallax in Varying the Apparent Distance of the Moon from the
Sun or a Star; Also an Easy Rule of Approximation for Computing
the Distance of the Moon from a Star, the Longitudes and Latitudes
of Both Being Given, with Demonstrations of the Same
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 54, 263 (1764)]
Some Remarks upon the Equation of Time, and the True Manner of Computing It
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 54, 336 (1764)]
Astronomical Observations Made at the Island of St. Helena
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 54, 348 (1764)]
Astronomical Observations Made at the Island of Barbados;
At Willoughby Fort; And at the Observatory on Constitution Hill,
Both Adjoining to Bridge Town
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 54, 389 (1764)]
Introduction to [and original comments on] Two Papers of Mr. John Smeaton, F. R. S.
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 58, 154 (1768)]
concerning measurement of the Earth's orbit around the
Earth-Moon system's centre of gravity.
Introduction to the Following Observations, Made by
Messieurs Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, for
Determining the Length of a Degree of Latitude, in the Provinces
of Maryland and Pennsylvania, in North America
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 58, 270 (1768)]
Observations of the Transit of Venus Over the Sun, and the Eclipse of the Sun
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 58, 355 (1768)]
Description of a Method of Measuring Differences of Right
Ascension and Declination, with Dollond's Micrometer, together
with Other New Applications of the Same
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 61, 536 (1771)]
Remarks on the Hadley's Quadrant, Tending Principally to
Remove the Difficulties Which Have Hitherto Attended the
Use of the Back-Observation, and to Obviate the Errors That
Might Arise from a Want of Parallelism in the Two Surfaces of
the Index-Glass
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 62, 99 (1772)]
M. De Luc's Rule for Measuring Heights by the Barometer, Reduced
to the English Measure of Length, and Adapted to Fahrenheit's Thermometer,
and Other Scales of Heat, and Reduced to a More Convenient Expression
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 64, 158 (1774)]
A Proposal for Measuring the Attraction of Some Hill in This
Kingdom by Astronomical Observations
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 65, 495 (1775)]
An Account of Observations Made on the Mountain Schehallien for Finding Its Attraction
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 65, 500 (1775)]
Account of a New Instrument for Measuring Small Angles, Called the Prismatic Micrometer
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 67, 799 (1777)]
Advertisement of the Expected Return of the Comet of 1532 and 1661 in the Year 1788
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 76, 426 (1786)]
Concerning the Latitude and Longitude of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich;
With Remarks on a Memorial of the Late M. Cassini de Thury
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 77, 151 (1787)]
An Attempt to Explain a Difficulty in the Theory of Vision,
Depending on the Different Refrangibility of Light
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 79, 256 (1789)]
Observations of the Comet of 1793
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 83, 55 (1793)]
On a New Property of the Tangents of
Three Arches Trisecting the Circumference of a Circle
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 98, 122 (1808)]
"Arch" meaning "angle" and "tangent" meaning "tangent line-segment".
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