The Net Advance of Physics History and Philosophy:
Sonia Stanciu
- Sonia Stanciu, by José Figueroa-O'Farrill [University of Edinburgh]
The Scientific Work of Sonia Stanciu, by C. Bachas, 2003/03.
- Papers at
- Additional Symmetries of Supersymmetric KP Hierarchies, 1993/09
- On the Supersymmetric BKP-Hierarchy, with Eduardo Ramos, 1994/02
- Supersymmetric Integrable Hierarchies and String Theory, 1994/07
- N=1 and N=2 cosets from gauged supersymmetric WZW models, with José Figueroa-O'Farrill, 1995/12
- Nonreductive WZW models and their CFTs, II: N=1 and N=2 cosets, with José Figueroa-O'Farrill, 1996/05
- D-branes in Kazama-Suzuki Models, 1997/08
- D-branes in curved spacetime: Nappi-Witten background, with Arkady Tseytlin, 1998/05
- D-branes in an AdS_3 background, 1999/01
- A note on D-branes in group manifolds: flux quantisation and D0-charge, 2000/06
- An Illustrated Guide to D-Branes in SU(3), 2001/11
- A Geometric Approach to D-Branes in Group Manifolds, 2001/12
- Penrose Limits of Lie Branes and a Nappi-Witten Braneworld, with José Figueroa-O'Farrill, 2003/03
- The Energy Operator for Infinite Statistics, 2003/12
See also Branes, Manifolds, and SU(3) at The Net Advance of Physics
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To contribute to this page, write Karen Rae Keck.