The Net Advance of Physics:
History and Philosophy:
Transit of Venus
- History of Transits of Venus []
- Chasing Venus [Smithsonian Institute]
- Wikipedia (good tables and resources)
- What is the Transit of Venus? [Library of
- Historical Transits of Venus [Williams College]
- Jeremiah Horrocks, Edmund Halley, and the Transit of Venus, John Butler, 2007. [Armagh Observatory]
- Transit of Venus June 8, 2004 (links to basic information and history in English and German) []
- The Transits of Venus of 1631 and 1639, R. H. van Gent, 2004/04. [University of Utrecht]
- The Rarest Eclipse: Transit of Venus [Explorartorium]
- The Man Who Knew Venus Would
Transit the Sun [excerpt], Ken Shulman, 2012/06. [Scientific American]
- 1769 June
3rd-4th Transit of Venus [HM
Nautical Almanac Office]
- James Cook and the Transit of Venus [NASA]
- 1769 Transit of Venus Observed from Tahiti
(solid bibliography) [Wikipedia]
- Transit of Venus: 1769 (wonderful graphics) [Melbourne
- Flying Bridges: The Day the World
Discovered the Sun [Excerpt], Mark Anderson, 2012/06. [Scientific American]
- Transits of Venus in History: 1631-1716, Robert Næye, 2012.
[Sky and Telescope]
- Reanimating the 1882 Transit of Venus,
Anthony Misch, 2012. [Sky and Telescope]
- John Philip Sousa's [Transit of Venus] March [NASA]
- Transit of Venus on the dome of the Paris Observatory, painting by Edmond-Louis Dupain, 1886. [Transit of Venus]
Transits of Venus and the Astronomical Unit: four centuries of increasing precision
by Costantino Sigismondi
A Letter to William Watson, M.D.
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 52, 26 (1761)]
concerning the Transit of Venus expedition in progress.
An Account of the Observations Made on the Transit of
Venus, June 6, 1761, in the Island of St. Helena
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 52, 196 (1761)]
Observations of the Transit of Venus Over the Sun, and the Eclipse of the Sun
by Rev. Nevil Maskelyne
[Phil. Trans. R. S. L. 58, 355 (1768/1769)]
See also Venus at the Net Advance of Physics
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To contribute to this page, write Karen Rae Keck.