in the years 1900 - 1925.
Most material in Net Advance Retro
is very old. It may be obsolete or incorrect. For more
recent technical information, please consult the
atomic physics and
quantum mechanics
pages at the
regular Net Advance site.
- General: Introductory:
- General:
Sources of Quantum Mechanics
edited with a historical introduction by B. L. van der Waerden
[Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1967]
Planck's Original Papers in Quantum Physics (German and English
annotated by Hans Kangro
[London: Taylor & Francis, 1972]
Vorlesungen über die Theorie der Wärmestrahlung
by Max Planck
[Leipzig: Barth, 1906]
English translation:
The Theory of Heat Radiation
[Philadelphia: Blakiston's, 1914]
Report to the Physical Society of
London on Radiation and the Quantum-Theory
by Sir James Jeans
[London: The Electrician, 1914]
Eight Lectures on Theoretical Physics Delivered at Columbia University
in 1909
by Max Planck
[New York: Columbia, 1915]
- On the quantum theory of line-spectra
by Niels Bohr.
Volume I and
Volume II
[Copenhagen: Host, 1918]
Report on the Quantum Theory of Spectra
by L. Silberstein
[London: Adam Hilger, 1920]
A System of Physical Chemistry, Volume III
by Wm. C. McC. Lewis
[London: Longmans, Green, 1921]
The Theory of Spectra and Atomic Constitution by Niels Bohr
[Cambridge, 1922].
The Origin and Development of the Quantum Theory,
being the Nobel Prize Address Delivered before the Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences at Stockholm, 2 June, 1920
by Max Planck
[Oxford: Clarendon, 1922]
The Quantum Theory
by Fritz Reiche
[London: Methuen, no date, early 1920s]
- Aspects:
- Aspects: PHOTONS:
The Pressure of Light
by J. H. Poynting
[London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1910]
Entirely classical; meant for a non-technical audience.