ASTROPHYSICAL BACKGROUND RADIATION (Non-Microwave): General: De Zotti et al. 93/02; Madau 98/12; Astrophysical Ionizing Radiation and the Earth: A Brief Review and Census of Intermittent Intense Sources by Adrian L. Melott and Brian C. Thomas [2011/02] The Extragalactic Background Light and the Gamma-ray Opacity of the Universe by Eli Dwek and Frank Krennrich [2012/06] Extragalactic Background Light: Measurements and Applications by Asantha Cooray [2016/02] The faint radio sky: radio astronomy becomes mainstream by Paolo Padovani [2016/09] Extragalactic Background Light: Inventory of Light Throughout the Cosmic History by Kalevi Mattila and Petri Väisänen [2019/05] [Low-frequency radio] Foregrounds and their Mitigation by Emma Chapman and Vibor Jelić [2019/09] Astrophysics from the 21-cm Background by Jordan Mirocha [2019/09] THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS