ASTROPHYSICS: JETS: General: Wheeler 99/12; Mirabel 2000/05; Wiita 2001/03; Jets (relativistic and non) in astrophysics by Luigi Foschini [Le Stelle 82, (March 2010)] Jet stability, dynamics and energy transport by Manel Perucho [2011/09] Challenges of Relativistic Astrophysics by Reuven Opher [2012/12] The Physics of Gamma-Ray Bursts and Relativistic Jets by Pawan Kumar and Bing Zhang [2014/10] Relativistic jets: an overview of recent progress by Elena Pian [2015/10] Radio jets: properties, life and impact by R. Morganti [2020/01] Particle acceleration in astrophysical jets by J. Matthews et al. [2020/03] General: SIMULATIONS: Laboratory experiments and simulations on jets by Martín Huarte-Espinosa et al. [2011/11] Type: GALACTIC; Type: EXTRAGALACTIC: Extragalactic relativistic jets by Gabriele Ghisellini [2011/03] Jet stability, dynamics and energy transport by Manel Perucho [2011/09] Type: RELATIVISTIC: The physics of relativistic [astrophysical] jets by L. Foschini [2021/10] Type: STELLAR: Stellar jets by Thomas J. Maccarone [2008/05] The enigma of jets and outflows from young stars by Deirdre Coffey [2011/12] Jets from young stars and brown dwarfs by Emma T. Whelan [Astronomische Nachrichten 335, 537 (2014)] Disks and Jets -- Gravity, Rotation and Magnetic Fields by John F. Hawley et al. [2015/08] Observations of solar X-ray and EUV jets and their related phenomena by Davina Innes et al. [2016/03] Solar Coronal Jets: Observations, Theory, and Modeling by Nour E. Raouafi et al. [2016/07] Radio Jets from Young Stellar Objects by Guillem Anglada et al. [2018/06] Supersize Me! Jets from Massive Young Stellar Objects by Alessio Caratti o Garatti [2018/07] The case for jets in cataclysmic variables by D. Coppejans and C. Knigge [2020/03] Aspects: COMPOSITION: The content of astrophysical jets by G. E. Romero [2021/06] Aspects: PATTERNS: Quasi-Stationary and Transient Patterns in Jets by A. P. Lobanov [2010/04] Aspects: POWER PRODUCTION: Ghisellini and Celotti 2001/08; Re: BIPOLAR FLOW; Re: ACCRETION DISKS: MHD disc winds by Jonathan Ferreira [2006/07] Accretion in active galactic nuclei and disk-jet coupling by Bozena Czerny and Bei You [2015/07] Re: ACTIVE GALAXIES: Coppi 99/03; Rawlings 03/03; The X-ray Jets of Active Galaxies by D. M. Worrall [2008/12] Physical Properties of Jets in AGN by Daniel C. Homan [2011/07] Jets in AGN at extremely high redshifts by Leonid I. Gurvits et al. [2014/09] Accretion in active galactic nuclei and disk-jet coupling by Bozena Czerny and Bei You [2015/07] Relativistic Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei and Microquasars by Gustavo Romero et al. [2016/11] Observational View of Magnetic Fields in Active Galactic Nuclei Jets by Talvikki Hovatta [2017/01] Radio galaxies and feedback from AGN jets by M. J. Hardcastle and J. H. Croston [2020/03] Re: BLACK HOLES: Mirabel and Rodriguez 99/02; Madejski 99/03; Blandford et al. 2001/07; Mirabel 2003/02; Re: BLAZARS: Sambruna 98/11; Padovani and Urry 2001/01; Jets, black holes and disks in blazars by Gabriele Ghisellini [2013/09] Relativistic jets: an overview of recent progress by Elena Pian [2015/10] Relativistic jets of blazars by T. Hovatta and E. Lindfors [2020/03] Re: EARLY UNIVERSE: Jets in AGN at extremely high redshifts by Leonid I. Gurvits et al. [2014/09] Re: CLUSTER CORES: Owen et al. 2000/06; Re: GAMMA RAY BURSTS: Jets in quasars, microquasars and gamma-ray bursts by I. F. Mirabel [1999/09] The Structure and Dynamics of GRB Jets by Jonathan Granot [2005/04] Jets and Gamma-Ray Burst Unification Schemes by Jonathan Granot and Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz [2010/12] The Physics of Gamma-Ray Bursts and Relativistic Jets by Pawan Kumar and Bing Zhang [2014/10] Relativistic jets: an overview of recent progress by Elena Pian [2015/10] Gamma Ray Bursts: Progenitors, accretion in the central engine, jet acceleration mechanisms by Agnieszka Janiuk and Kostas Sapountzis [2018/03] Re: HIGH-ENERGY EMISSION: High-Energy Aspects of Astrophysical Jets by Amir Levinson [2006/11] Re: MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS: MHD disc winds by Jonathan Ferreira [2006/07] Re: MICROQUASARS: Jets in quasars, microquasars and gamma-ray bursts by I. F. Mirabel [1999/09] Radio jets and outflows of cold gas by Raffaella Morganti [2011/12] Relativistic Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei and Microquasars by Gustavo Romero et al. [2016/11] Recent Constraints on Jet physics and Properties Obtained from High Energy Observations of Microquasars by Jérôme Rodriguez [2016/12] Re: NEUTRINOS: Protheroe 99/07; Re: NEUTRON STARS: Blandford et al. 2001/07; Re: QUASARS: Mirabel 2000/05; Re: RADIO GALAXIES: Radio galaxies and feedback from AGN jets by M. J. Hardcastle and J. H. Croston [2020/03] Re: SUPERNOVAE: The role of jets in exploding supernovae and in shaping their remnants by N. Soker [2022/08] Re: X RAY BINARIES: Mirabel and Rodriguez 99/02; Fender 99/07; Fender 2003/03; Re: X RAY PRODUCTION: X-ray Emission Processes in Extragalactic Jets, Lobes and Hot Spots by Andrew S. Wilson [New Astron. Rev. 47, 417 (2003)] X-ray Emission from Extragalactic Jets by D. E. Harris and Henric Krawczynski [Ann. Rev. Astron. & Astrophys. 44, 463 (2006)] The X-ray Jets of Active Galaxies by D. M. Worrall [2008/12] Steady jets and transient jets: observational characteristics and models by Maria Massi [2010/04] Re: YOUNG STARS: The enigma of jets and outflows from young stars by Deirdre Coffey [2011/12] THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS