GIANT PLANETS and BROWN DWARFS: General: Liebert 98/12; Oppenheimer et al. 98/12; Chabrier 99/02; Chabrier and Baraffe 2000/06; Burrows et al. 2001/03; The Interior Structure, Composition, and Evolution of Giant Planets by Jonathan J. Fortney and Nadine Nettelmann [2008/09] Giant Planet Formation, Evolution, and Internal Structure by Ravit Helled et al. [2013/11] Latest news on the Physics of Brown dwarfs by Isabelle Baraffe [2014/01] Giant Planets by Tristan Guillot and Daniel Gautier [2014/02] Internal Structure of Giant and Icy Planets: Importance of Heavy Elements and Mixing by Ravit Helled and Tristan Guillot [2017/05] Populations of Extrasolar Giant Planets from Transit and Radial Velocity Surveys by Alexandre Santerne [2018/05] Interior and evolution of the giant planets by Y. Miguel and A. Vazon [2023/02] General: Observational: Adaptive Optics Observations of Exoplanets, Brown Dwarfs, & Binary Stars by Sasha Hinkley [2011/12] Large Scale Searches for Brown Dwarfs and Free-Floating Planets by Ben Burningham [2018/05] Populations of Extrasolar Giant Planets from Transit and Radial Velocity Surveys by Alexandre Santerne [2018/05] The nature of gas-giant planets by R. Helled et al. [2022/02] Mid-infrared observations of the giant planets by M. T. Roman [2023/03] Specific Planets: JUPITER; SATURN; URANUS; NEPTUNE; Type: HOT JUPITERS: Atmospheric Circulation of Hot Jupiters by Adam P. Showman et al. [2007/06] Thermosphere and exosphere of Hot-Jupiters by Alain Lecavelier des Etangs [2009/02] Giant Planet Atmospheres and Spectra by Adam Burrows and Glenn Orton [2009/10] Atmospheric Circulation of Exoplanets by Adam P. Showman et al. [2009/11] Type: METAL-DEPLETED: Metal-Depleted Brown Dwarfs by Nicolas Lodieu [2018/04] Processes: FORMATION: Giant Planet Formation by Gennaro D'Angelo [2010/06] Formation of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs by Patrick Hennebelle [2012/04] Giant Planet Formation, Evolution, and Internal Structure by Ravit Helled et al. [2013/11] Formation of Giant Planets by Gennaro D'Angelo and Jack J. Lissauer [2018/06] Brown Dwarf Formation: Theory by Anthony Whitworth [2018/11] Giant planets from the inside out by T. Guillot et al. [2022/05] First steps of planet formation around very-low-mass stars and brown dwarfs by P. Pinilla [2022/10] Regions: ATMOSPHERE: Atmospheres of Extrasolar Giant Planets by Mark S. Marley et al. [2005/10] Atomic and Molecular Opacities for Brown Dwarf and Giant Planet Atmospheres by Christopher M. Sharp and Adam Burrows [2006/07] Atmospheric Circulation of Hot Jupiters by Adam P. Showman et al. [2007/06] Thermosphere and exosphere of Hot-Jupiters by Alain Lecavelier des Etangs [2009/02] Giant Planet Atmospheres and Spectra by Adam Burrows and Glenn Orton [2009/10] Atmospheric Circulation of Exoplanets by Adam P. Showman et al. [2009/11] Atmospheres of Brown Dwarfs by Christiane Helling and Sarah Casewell [2014/10] Atmospheric regimes and trends on exoplanets and brown dwarfs by X. Zhang [2020/06] Atmospheric dynamics of hot giant planets and brown dwarfs by A. P. Showman et al. [2020/07] Regions: ATMOSPHERE: CLOUDS: Marley and Ackerman 2001/03; Regions: ATMOSPHERE: LIGHTNING: Atmospheric Electricity at the Ice Giants by Karen L. Aplin et al. [2019/07] Regions: INTERIOR: Giant planets from the inside out by T. Guillot et al. [2022/05] Aspects: JETS: Jets from young stars and brown dwarfs by Emma T. Whelan [Astronomische Nachrichten 335, 537 (2014)] Aspects: MASS: Astrophysical Applications of Gravitational Microlensing by Shude Mao [2012/07] Aspects: ROTATION: The rotation of brown dwarfs by Aleks Scholz [2016/10] Aspects: SEISMOLOGY: Seismology of Giant Planets by Patrick Gaulme et al. [2014/11] Aspects: TIDAL DISSIPATION: Tidal dissipation in stars and giant planets by Gordon I. Ogilvie [2014/06] Tidal dissipation in giant planets by J. Fuller et al. [2024/02] Aspects: VARIABILITY: Variability of Brown Dwarfs by Étienne Artigau [2018/03] THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS