COLD DARK MATTER: General: Turner 98/11a; Turner 98/11b; Turner 98/11; Turner 99/01; van den Bergh 2000/05; Olive 2002/02; Primack 2002/05; Lahav 2002/08; Particle Dark Matter Candidates by Stefano Scopel [2007/09] An Introduction to Particle Dark Matter by Stefano Profumo et al. [2016/09] Cosmological dark matter: A review by M. R. Lovell [2020/03] General: Observational: Direct Detection of Cold Dark Matter by Laura Baudis [2007/11] Astrophysical Constraints on Dark Matter by Charling Tao [2011/06] Small-Scale Challenges to the ΛCDM Paradigm by James S. Bullock and Michael Boylan-Kolchin [Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 55, 343 (2017)] Types: AXIONS; WIMPS; Type: Non-WIMP: Non-WIMP Candidates by Jonathan L. Feng [2010/02] Type: SUPERSYMMETRIC: Bergstrom 97/12; Kamionkowski 98/09; Type: SUPERSYMMETRIC: Re: Q BALLS: Kusenko 98/08; Re: DARK HALOS: The structure and evolution of cold dark matter halos by J. Diemand and B. Moore [2009/06] Small-Scale Challenges to the ΛCDM Paradigm by James S. Bullock and Michael Boylan-Kolchin [Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 55, 343 (2017)] Re: LARGE SCALE STRUCTURE: Turner 98/08; Ma 98/10; Cosmological Structure Formation [via ΛCDM] by Joel R. Primack [2014/09] THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS