The Net Advance of Physics:
MIT Open Courseware
MIT Open Courseware: Education
Science Education in the Nineteenth Century
[Net Advance of Physics]
At the Sign of the Wooden Spoon
A large collection of pre-1925 but still valuable mathematics and physical-science problem sets.
Remarks on Elementary Education in Science: An Introductory Lecture Delivered at the Opening of the Classes of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, in the University of London, November 2, 1830
by Augustus De Morgan [London: John Taylor, 1830]
Computers in secondary schools: Educational games
by M. Romero [2020/04]
Computer-aided personalized education
by R. Alur et al. [2020/07]
History of rigor: A review of 20th-century science education
by J. Garver [2020/12]
Personalized education in the AI era: What to expect next
by S. Maghsudi et al. [2021/01]
Augmented reality for education: A review
by C. H. Godoy Jr. [2021/09]
An approach to adaptive microlearning in higher education
by O. Gherman et al. [2022/05]
Oxford-style debates in telecommunication and computer-science education
by M. Niemic [2022/06]
Stargazers and Sunwatchers
by David P. Stern [
High-School Curriculum] Basic observational astronomy: celestial sphere etc.
The Universe in Problems
by Yu. L. Bolotin and I. V. Tanatarov. [Problems for students of general astronomy.]
The revolution in astronomy education: Data science for the masses
by K. D. Borne et al. [2009/09]
Astronomy Education Research: Developmental History of the Field and Summary of the Literature
by J. M. Bailey [2011/01]
A planetarium at school
by E. Bonacci [2013]
Simple demonstration experiments for astronomical parallax
by Markus Pössel [
Science in School 39
, 40 and
, 40 (2017)]
The International Space Station (ISS) Contest as STEM Educational Project
by E. Bonacci [2023/10]
On the Study and Difficulties of Mathematics
by Augustus De Morgan [Chicago: Open Court, 1898]
Mathematical education
by W. P. Thurston [1990/09]
Reforms of the [Chinese] university mathematics education for non-mathematical specialties
by S. Xiao [1995]
From art to geometry: Æsthetic and beauty in the learning process
by N. Pastena et al. [2015/01]
Mathematics education in Russia and mathematics circles
by D. G. Bartolomé [2015/12]
From Mathematics and Education, to Mathematics Education
by F. Furinghetti et al. [2016/02]
History of mathematics education: Italy
by M. Menghini [2016/03]
Cut the Knot: Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles
by A. Bogomolny [2017]
Kolmogorov reform of mathematical education, 1970--1980
by Yu. A. Neretin [2019/11]
On teaching mathematics to gifted students
by A. Shukla [2019/10]
The human brain and mathematics: Recent research and educational questions
by G. E. Davis and M. A. McGowen [2021/09]
Mathematics and mathematics education in the 21st century
by A. Borovik et al. [2022/01]
diy Physics
by David Prutchi [Blog]
Science Hobbyist
by Bill Beaty [Website]
Outreach and education on high-energy physics
by R. M. Barnett [1994/10]
Lessons from the physics-education reform effort
by R. R. Hake [2001/06]
Cinema, Fermi problems, and general education
by C. J. Efthimiou and R. Llewellyn [2006/08]
Physics-education research: Resources for graduate-student instructors
by Z. A. Krusberg [2008/08]
Physics-education research: Resources for middle-school science teachers
by Z. A. Krusberg [2009/03]
Physics-education research and the teaching and learning of physics
by S. Rojas [2011/04]
Adapting to a Changing World: Challenges and Opportunities in Undergraduate Physics Education
by the National Research Council [2013]
Paradigms in physics-education research
by A. D. Robertson et al. [2013/07]
Teaching and learning special relativity theory in secondary and lower undergraduate education: A literature review
by P. Alsten et al. [2020/11]
On teaching quantum physics in high school
by E. Bonacci [2021/09]
Guerrilla Science: creating scientific instruments in `high tropicallity' conditions
by E. Altshuler [2021/11]
Mathematical Insights in the Pioneering Educational Project FSTF
by E. Bonacci [2022/01] About presenting fullerenes to high-school students.
Quantum Games and Interactive Tools for Quantum Technologies Outreach and Education
by Z. C. Seskir et al. [2022/02]
Particle Physics Outreach to K-12 Schools and Opportunities in Undergraduate Education
by M. G. Bardeen et al. [2022/03]
Resources for Chemistry Educators
by Stephen Lower [2019/05]
3D printing in the context of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education at the college/university level
by P. Moeck et al. [2020/01]
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