ELASTICITY: General: Introductory: R. Nave's HyperPhysics site; General: TEXTBOOKS: Modeling of solids by P. Vannucci [2022/03] 241 pp. Type:LOW-DIMENSIONAL: Elastic theory of low-dimensional continua and its applications in bio- and nano-structures by Z. C. Tu and Z. C. Ou-Yang [2007/06] Type: RELATIVISTIC: Relativistic elasticity II by R. Beig [2023/03] Type: VISCOUS: Applications of elastic instability and elastic turbulence: Review, limitations, and future directions by C. Sasmal [2023/01] Aspects: YOUNG'S MODULUS; Re: FRACTIONAL CALCULUS: The Concepts and Applications of Fractional Order Differential Calculus in Modelling of Viscoelastic Systems: A primer by Mohammad Amirian Matlob and Yousef Jamali [2017/06] Fractional derivatives: Fourier, elephants, memory effects, viscoelastic materials and anomalous diffusion by P. R. Stinga [2022/11] Re: INSTABILITIES: Applications of elastic instability and elastic turbulence: Review, limitations, and future directions by C. Sasmal [2023/01] Re: MEMBRANES: Recent theoretical advances in elasticity of [lipid] membranes following Helfrich's spontaneous curvature model by Z. C. Tu and Z. C. Ou-Yang [Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 208, 66 (2014)] Re: OPTICAL DESIGN: Optical Design and Active Optics Methods in Astronomy by Gerard R. Lemaitre [2013/03] Re: SYMMETRIES: Straumann 98/10; Re: TURBULENCE: Applications of elastic instability and elastic turbulence: Review, limitations, and future directions by C. Sasmal [2023/01] THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS