ELECTROWEAK PHYSICS IN GENERAL: General: Rosner 94/11; Towner and Hardy 95/04; Erler and Langacker 98/09; Langacker 99/05; Novaes 2000/01; Peskin 2000/02; Kunszt 2000/04; Altarelli 2000/11; Spiesberger et al. 2000/11; Quigg 2002/04; Langacker 2002/11; Ramsey-Musolf and Secrest 2003/05; Langacker 2003/08; Lykken 2006/07; The Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions by Antonio Pich [2007/05] Ten Lectures on the ElectroWeak Interactions by Riccardo Barbieri [2007/06] Theories for the Fermi Scale by Gian Francesco Giudice [2007/10] Electroweak Physics by Jens Erler and Paul Langacker [2008/02] Introduction to the Standard Model and Electroweak Physics by Paul Langacker [2009/01] Unanswered Questions in the Electroweak Theory by Chris Quigg [2009/05] The Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions by Antonio Pich [2012/01] Collider Physics within the Standard Model: a Primer by Guido Altarelli [2013/03] Introduction to the Standard Model of the Electro-Weak Interactions by Jean Iliopoulos [2012/??] The GIM Mechanism: origin, predictions and recent uses by Luciano Maiani [2013/03] TASI-2013 Lectures on Flavor Physics by Benjamin Grinstein [2013] Electroweak Corrections by Riccardo Barbieri [2015/03] TASI 2016 Lectures: Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Effective Field Theory by Sally Dawson [2016/09] Lectures on EW Standard Model by Rohini M. Godbole [2017/03] Lectures of the Theory of the Weak Interaction by Michael E. Peskin [2017/08] Quantum Field Theory and the Electroweak Standard Model by Andrej B. Arbuzov [2018/01] Quantum Field Theory and the Electroweak Standard Model by Alexander Bednyakov [2018/06] Neutrino, Parity Violation, V-A: A Historical Survey by Ludmil Hadjiivanov [2018/12] Fundamentals of electroweak theory by J. Horejsi [2022/10] 300 pp. General: Experimental: Nodulman 99/04; Kunszt 2000/03; Spiesberger et al. 2000/11; Erler 2002/12; Precision Tests of Electroweak Interactions by Arif Akhundov [2007/11] Summary of the Electroweak and Beyond the Standard Model Working Group by Christopher Hays et al. [DIS2008, 2008/09] Tests of the Standard Electroweak Model at the Energy Frontier by John D. Hobbs et al. [2010/03] The Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions by Antonio Pich [2012/01] Review of Physics Results from the Tevatron: Electroweak Physics by Ashutosh V. Kotwal et al. [2014/09] Experimental summary of the 52nd Rencontres de Moriond session on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories by Tim Gershon [2017/07] General: BEYOND THE STANDARD MODEL: Altarelli 98/11; Altarelli 2000/11; Ramsey-Musolf and Secrest 2003/05; Summary of the Electroweak and Beyond the Standard Model Working Group by Christopher Hays et al. [DIS2008, 2008/09] Types: NON-PERTURBATIVE: Aspects: RENORMALIZATION: Talevi 97/05; Aspects: BETA DECAY; Aspects: PHASE TRANSITIONS: Gravitational waves from a first order electroweak phase transition: a review by David J. Weir [2017/05] Aspects: THERMODYNAMICS: Thermodynamics of electroweak matter by A. Gynther [2006/09] Re: CP VIOLATION; Re: BARYOGENESIS: Riotto 98/07; Altarelli 2000/11; Electroweak baryogenesis by David E. Morrissey and Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf [2012/06] Re: DARK MATTER: Altarelli 2000/11; Re: EFFECTIVE FIELD THEORY: TASI 2016 Lectures: Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Effective Field Theory by Sally Dawson [2016/09] Re: FEW BODY SYSTEMS: Electroweak Processes in Few-Nucleon Systems by Hartmuth Arenhoevel [Few Body Syst. 26, 43 (1999)] Re: GRAVITATIONAL RADIATION: Gravitational waves from a first order electroweak phase transition: a review by David J. Weir [2017/05] Re: HADRON COLLIDERS: Azuelos et al. 2000/03; Re: HIGGS: Kunszt 2000/03; Altarelli 2000/11; Electroweak Corrections by Riccardo Barbieri [2015/03] Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and the Higgs Boson by Antonio Pich [2015/06] TASI 2016 Lectures: Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Effective Field Theory by Sally Dawson [2016/09] Re: MONOPOLES: Achúcarro 2000/08; Re: NEUTRINO MASSES: Altarelli 2000/11; Re: NUCLEI: Chiral Electroweak Currents in Nuclei by D. O. Riska and Rocco Schiavilla [2016/03] Recent progress in the electroweak structure of light nuclei using quantum Monte Carlo methods by G. B. King and S. Pastore [2024/02] Re: QCD: Rafelski 98/06; Precision physics with inclusive QCD processes by A. Pich [2020/12] Re: QUARKS: Sachrajda 98/01; Re: STANDARD MODEL: Experimental: Peccei 98/12; Spiesberger et al. 2000/11; Meißner 2001/08; Ramsey-Musolf and Secrest 2003/05; Lykken 2006/07; Quantum Field Theory and the Electroweak Standard Model by Andrej B. Arbuzov [2018/01] Re: VORTICITY: Quantum vorticity in nature by Kerson Huang [Int. J. Mod. Phys. A30, 1530056 (2015)] ELECTROWEAK SYMMETRY BREAKING: General: Chivukula 98/03; Barker 98/08; Dawson 99/01; Rattazzi 2006/07; Concepts of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Higgs Physics by M. Gomez-Bock et al. [2007/12] Also available in Spanish. Introduction to Electroweak Symmetry Breaking by Sally Dawson [2008/10] Phenomenological aspects of Supersymmetry: SUSY models and electroweak symmetry breaking by Roman Nevzorov [2009/08] A Pedagogical Review of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Scenarios by Gautam Bhattacharyya [2009/10] Progress in Electroweak Symmetry Breaking by Sally Dawson [2015/11] Type: DYNAMICAL: Chiappetta 94/05; King 94/06; Chivukula 98/03; Bhat and Eichten 98/03; Type: DYNAMICAL: Aspects: HEAVY QUARK CONDENSATES; TECHNICOLOUR; Type: SPONTANEOUS: Pich 98/06; Re: MUON COLLIDERS: Lane 98/01; Bhat and Eichten 98/03; Re: STANDARD MODEL: Spira and Zerwas 98/03; Altarelli 98/11; Re: STRONG DYNAMICS: Hill and Simmons 2002/03; Re: SUPERSYMMETRY: Spira and Zerwas 98/03; Chivukula 98/03; Barker 98/08; Lykken 2006/07; A Pedagogical Review of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Scenarios by Gautam Bhattacharyya [2009/10] Re: TOP QUARK: Hill and Simmons 2002/03; Electroweak Corrections by Riccardo Barbieri [2015/03] THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS