Quantum Fluids: FERMI FLUIDS: General: Fermi liquid [Wikipedia] Fermi liquids and non--Fermi liquids by H. J. Schulz [1995/03] Fermi liquids and Luttinger liquids by H. J. Schulz et al. [1998/07] The Fermi Gases and Superfluids: Short Review of Experiment and Theory for Condensed Matter Physicists by K. Levin and Randall G. Hulet [2012/02] Type: NEMATIC: Nematic Fermi Fluids in Condensed Matter Physics by Eduardo Fradkin et al. [2009/10] Type: ONE DIMENSIONAL: One-Dimensional Fermi liquids by Johannes Voit [Rep. Prog. Phys. 58, 977 (1995)] Type: SINGULAR: Singular Fermi Liquids by C. M. Varma et al. [Phys. Rep. 361, 267 (2002)] Type: STRONGLY INTERACTING: Many-body theories of density response for a strongly correlated Fermi gas by Hai Hu [Frontiers of Physics 7, 98 (2012)] Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases by Wilhelm Zwerger [2014/07] Type: ULTRACOLD: Making, probing and understanding ultracold Fermi gases by Wolfgang Ketterle and Martin W. Zwierlein [2006/06] 206 pp. Theory of ultracold Fermi gases by Stefano Giorgini et al. [2007/06] Coherence and Correlations in Atom Lasers by P. D Drummond et al. [2007/10] Molecular regimes in ultracold Fermi gases by D. S. Petrov et al. [2008/10] Nearly Perfect Fluidity: From Cold Atomic Gases to Hot Quark Gluon Plasmas by Thomas Schaefer and Derek Teaney [2009/04] Condensed Matter Theory of Dipolar Quantum Gases by M. A. Baranov et al. [2012/07] 158 pp. Many-body theories of density response for a strongly correlated Fermi gas by Hai Hu [Frontiers of Physics 7, 98 (2012)] Polarons, Molecules, and Itinerant Ferromagnetism in ultracold Fermi gases by Pietro Massignan et al. [2013/09] Cooling and thermometry of atomic Fermi gases by Roberto Onofrio [Physics Uspekhi 59, 1129 (2016)] Aspects: PSEUDOGAPS: Pseudogaps in strongly interacting Fermi gases by Eric J. Mueller [2017/01] Re: CHERN-SIMONS THEORY: The Chern-Simons Fermi Liquid Description of Fractional Quantum Hall States by Steven H. Simon [1998/12] Re: RENORMALIZATION: Renormalization Group Methods: Landau-Fermi Liquid and BCS Superconductor by J. Froehlich et al. [1995/08] ArXiv to 2005/10 THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS
Quantum Fluids: FERMI FLUIDS:
ArXiv to 2005/10