GEOPHYSICS: General: Berkeley Course in Applied Geophysics by Frank Morrison et al. [2004/06] Viewing Earth's Surface as a Soft Matter Landscape by Douglas J. Jerolmack and Karen E. Daniels [2019/03] General: NUMERICAL METHODS: Data Assimilation in the Geosciences: An Overview on Methods, Issues and Perspectives by Alberto Carrassi et al. [2017/09] Seventy years of machine learning in geoscience in review by J. S. Dramsch [2020/06] Aspects: SEISMOLOGY; Aspect: CORE: Fluid Dynamics of Earth's Core: Geodynamo, Inner Core Dynamics, Core Formation by Renaud Deguen and Marine Lasbleis [2018/04] Aspect: GRAVITY: Terrestrial Gravity Fluctuations by Jan Harms [2015/07] Aspect: MAGNETIC FIELD: USGS Geomagnetism Program with educational material and research news. Trajectories of charged particles trapped in Earth's magnetic field by M. Kaan Öztürk [2011/12] Fluid Dynamics of Earth's Core: Geodynamo, Inner Core Dynamics, Core Formation by Renaud Deguen and Marine Lasbleis [2018/04] Process: FORMATION: Earth and Terrestrial Planet Formation by Seth A. Jacobson and Kevin J. Walsh [2015/02] Fluid Dynamics of Earth's Core: Geodynamo, Inner Core Dynamics, Core Formation by Renaud Deguen and Marine Lasbleis [2018/04] Process: HYDRAULIC FRACTURE: Notes on hydraulic fracture mechanics by D. I. Garagash [2022/09] Aspects: WATER: Origin of Earth's Water: Sources and Constraints by K. Meech and S. N. Raymond [2019/12] Aspects: MINERALOGY/PETROLOGY; Re: ANGULAR MOMENTUM TRANSPORT: Mini-conference on angular momentum transport in laboratory and nature by Hantao Ji et al. [APS 2007/12] Re: NEUTRINOS: Geo-neutrinos and Earth's interior by Gianni Fiorentini et al. [2007/07] Low Energy Neutrino Measurements by Davide D'Angelo [2011/08] Geo-neutrinos as indicators of the origin and thermal history of the Earth by Steve Dye [2011/11] Geo-neutrinos: recent developments by Steve Dye [2014/12] Experimental Aspects of Geoneutrino Detection: Status and Perspectives by Oleg Smirnov [2019/10] A New Journey to the Center of the Earth by S. Kumaran and L.Ludhova [2021/02] Geoneutrinos for geology. Neutrino geoscience: Review, survey, future prospects by W. F. McDonough and H. Watanabe [2022/09] THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS