HADRONS AND HADRONIC PHYSICS: General: Definitions: Weisstein 98/06; General: Bjorken 2000/08; Serot and Walecka 2000/10; Capstick et al. 2000/12; Nefkens 2002/02; Barnes 2002/02; Grazzini and Nania 2002/10; Methods and Models for Hadron Physics by C. Davies et al. [Frascati 2007/10] Hadron Structure by Martha Constantinou [2014/06] Three Lectures on Hadron Physics by Craig D. Roberts [2015/03] Conference Summary of QNP2018 by Shunzo Kumano [2018/11] General: LOW ENERGY PHYSICS: Pennington 2000/01; General: SPECTRUM: Brambilla and Vairo 99/04; Jaffe 2000/01; Thomas 2000/07; Rosner 2006/06; Rosner 2006/09; An introduction to lattice hadron spectroscopy for students without quantum field theoretical background by Johannes Weber et al. [2013/07] SPQR -- Spectroscopy: Prospects, Questions & Results by Michael R. Pennington [2013/10] Review on Hadron Spectroscopy by Chuan Liu [2016/07] A Very Practical Guide to Light Front Holographic QCD by Liping Zou and H. G. Dosch [2018/01] Hadron Spectroscopy and Resonances: Review by M. Padmanath [2018/07] General: SPECTRUM: LIGHT HADRONS: Yoshié 97/11 General: SPECTRUM: Re: FEW-BODY PROBLEM: Few-Body Problems in Hadron Spectroscopy by Jean-Marc Richard [Nucl. Phys. A 689, 235 (2001)] General: Models: BETHE-SALPETER; PHENOMENOLOGICAL; QUARKS; General: Models: Jaffe 2000/01; General: Models: SAKATA: Sakata model of hadrons revisited by Eugene V. Stefanovich [2010/10] Technically a research paper, but contains a very clear account of this historically-significant, almost forgotten hadron model in the introductory section. Types: BARYONS; DEUTERONS; MESONS; Type: EXCITED: Re: LATTICE QCD: Excited hadrons on the lattice - State of the art and future challenges by Christof Gattringer [2007/11] Progress on Excited Hadrons in Lattice QCD by John Bulava [2011/12] Type: EXOTIC: See also HADRONIC MOLECULES; New Hadron States by Zhu Shi-Lin [2007/03] Review on low and high mass spectroscopy by Chang-Zheng Yuan [2010/07] Review of Exotic Hadrons by Francesco Renga for the BaBar collaboration [2010/09] Exotic Matter and Space-Time by Hidezumi Terazawa [2013/04] An overview of XYZ new particles by Xiang Liu [2013/12] Hadron and Quarkonium Exotica by Sookyung Choi [2014/03] Present status on experimental search for pentaquarks by Tianbao Liu et al. [2014/03] Four-Quark Hadrons: an Updated Review by Angelo Esposito et al. [2014/11] 120 pp. Multiquark Hadrons by Stephen Lars Olsen [2015/09] Multiquark Hadrons: A New Facet of QCD by Ahmed Ali [2015/11] Exotic Discoveries in Familiar Places: Theory of the Onia and Exotics by Richard F. Lebed [2016/05] Exotic hadrons: review and perspectives by Jean-Marc Richard [2016/06] Heavy-Quark QCD Exotica by Richard F. Lebed et al. [2016/10] Searching for the rules that govern hadron construction by Matthew R. Shepherd et al. [Nature 534, 487 (2016)] Multiquark States by Marek Karliner et al. [2017/11] Tetraquarks and pentaquarks by Greig Gowan and Tim Gershon [2018/08] Pentaquark and Tetraquark States by Yan-Rui Liu et al. [2019/03] 152 pp. The XYZ States: Experimental and Theoretical Status and Perspectives by Nora Brambila et al. [2019/07] 178 pp. GGI Lectures on Exotic Hadrons by L. Maiani and A. Pilloni [2022/02] Type: HADRONIC ATOMS: Hadronic Atoms by J. Gasser et al. [2009/03] Type: HEAVY: Open Heavy Flavour: Experimental Summary by Deepa Thomas [2019/01] Type: LIGHT: SPECTRUM: Yoshié 97/11 Type: LIGHT: STRUCTURE: Martemyanov 99/03; Type: RESONANCES: Structure and compositeness of hadron resonances by Tetsuo Hyodo [2013/10] Resonance Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions by Anders G. Knospe [2017/07] Hadron Spectroscopy and Resonances: Review by M. Padmanath [2018/07] Aspects: HADRONIC MATTER; NJL MASS-GENERATION MODEL; Aspects: ELECTRIC DIPOLE MOMENT: Search for New Physics with Atoms and Molecules by M. S. Safronova et al. [2017/10] 112 pp. Electric Dipole Moments: A Theory Overview by Emanuele Mereghetti [2018/10] Aspects: IN-MEDIUM PROPERTIES: In-medium Properties of Hadrons - an Overview by Volker Metag [2012/09] Spectral functions and in-medium properties of hadrons by Ralf-Arno Tripolt et al. [2016/05] Aspects: INTERNAL PROPERTIES: Forces inside hadrons: pressure, surface tension, mechanical radius, and all that by Maxim C. Polyakov and Peter Schweitzer [2018/05] Recent Developments in x-dependent [Hadron] Structure Calculations by Christopher Monahan [2018/11] Aspects: MASS: Re: CHIRAL PERTURBATION THEORY: Ananthanarayan 97/12; Aspects: POLARISABILITY: Hadron Polarizabilities by Barry R. Holstein and Stefan Scherer [2014/01] Aspects: STRUCTURE: Chekelian 97/12; Martemyanov 99/03; Marage 99/11; Forces inside hadrons: pressure, surface tension, mechanical radius, and all that by Maxim C. Polyakov and Peter Schweitzer [2018/05] Recent Developments in x-dependent [Hadron] Structure Calculations by Christopher Monahan [2018/11] Aspects: SURFACE TENSION: Forces inside hadrons: pressure, surface tension, mechanical radius, and all that by Maxim C. Polyakov and Peter Schweitzer [2018/05] Processes: DIFFRACTION: Predazzi 98/09; Marage 99/11; Re: CHIRAL SYMMETRY: Glozman 2002/10; Spectral functions and in-medium properties of hadrons by Ralf-Arno Tripolt et al. [2016/05] Re: FINITE-TEMPERATURES: Spectral functions and in-medium properties of hadrons by Ralf-Arno Tripolt et al. [2016/05] Re: LATTICE QCD: Yoshié 97/11 Fiebig and Markum 2002/12; Hadron Structure in Lattice QCD by Constantia Alexandrou [2011/09] Re: QCD: Thomas 2000/07; Re: QUARKS: Shuryak 98/08; THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS