HEAVY QUARKS: General: Introductory: Grozin 2002/12; General: Wise 93/11; Grinstein 95/08; Zalewski 95/12; Zalewski 96/08; Partridge 98/11; Quigg 98/12; Wise 2001/11; Buchalla 2002/02; Soto 2003/01; Rosner 2006/12; Resource Letter: Quantum Chromodynamics by Andreas S. Kronfeld and Chris Quigg [Am. J. Phys. 78, 1081 (2010)] What We've Learned from Heavy Flavour Experiments Since CKM2010 by Tim Gershon [2012/10] Selected Topics in Heavy Flavour Physics by Alexander Lenz [2014/04] Heavy quarks and tau leptons: New physics opportunities by Alejandro Celis [2014/09] Review of Physics Results from the Tevatron: Heavy Flavor Physics by Jonathan Lewis and Rick van Kooten [2014/12] Precision physics with heavy-flavoured hadrons by Patrick Koppenburg and Vincenzo Vagnoni [2015/10] An experimental review on elliptic flow of strange and multi-strange hadrons in relativistic heavy ion collisions by Shusu Shi [2016/07] Summary of [DIS2019] Working Group 5: Physics with Heavy Flavours by V. Bhardwaj et al. [2019/04] General: Experimental: Re: COLLIDERS: Paulini 98/02; St. Denis 99/12; Heavy flavour in high-energy nuclear collisions: overview of transport calculations by Andrea Beraudo [2017/10] Recent Results on Heavy Quark Production in High Energy Nucleus Collisions by Xin Dong [2018/10] Overview on heavy-flavour at RHIC and LHC by Andrea Dubla [2018/10] Open Heavy Flavors in Nuclear Collisions: Theory Overview by Pol Bernard Gossiaux [2019/01] Open Heavy Flavour: Experimental Summary by Deepa Thomas [2019/01] Open Heavy-Flavor Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions by Xin Dong et al. [2019/03] Aspects: HEAVY QUARK CONDENSATES; HEAVY QUARK EFFECTIVE FIELD THEORY; Aspects: MASS: Quark Masses on the Lattice: Light and Heavy by Vittorio Lubicz [Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 94, 116 (2001)] Aspects: MASS: Re: DYSON-SCHWINGER EQUATION: Ivanov et al. 98/10; Aspects: MASS: Re: SPECTRAL SUM RULES: Narison 2002/02; Processes: DECAYS: Yaouanc et al. 94/06; Ali 96/06; Browder et al. 96/06; Partridge 98/11; Petrov 99/03; Processes: DECAYS: Re: LIGHT CONE SUM RULES: Braun 98/01; Processes: DECAYS: Re: PERTURBATIVE QCD: Czarnecki and Melnikov 98/06; Processes: DECAYS: LEPTONIC: Draper 98/10; Processes: PRODUCTION: Mangano 97/11; Partridge 98/11; Nason 98/11; Olness 98/12; Hayes and Krämer 99/02; Olness 99/06; Nason 2003/01; Recent developments in quarkonium and open flavour production calculations by Mathias Butenschoen [2011/06] Review of QCD, Quark-Gluon Plasma, Heavy Quark Hybrids, and Heavy Quark State production in p-p and A-A collisions by Leonard S. Kisslinger and Debasish Das [International Journal of Modern Physics A 31, 1630010 (2016)] Open Heavy-Flavor Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions by Xin Dong et al. [2019/03] V and Heavy Flavour Production: Status and Recent Theoretical Developments by Davide Napoletano [2019/05] Processes: QUENCHING: Theory of heavy quark energy loss by Pol Bernard Gossiaux et al. [2012/01] Jet quenching and heavy quarks Thorsten Renk [2013/07] Re: CP VIOLATION: Petrov 99/03; Re: DEEP INELASTIC SCATTERING: Thorne 99/02; Olness 99/06; Re: FEW-BODY SYSTEMS: Few-Body Systems Composed of Heavy Quarks by Ning Li et al. [2012/08] Re: HADRON COLLIDERS: Olness 99/06; Re: LATTICE CALCULATIONS: El-Khadra 94/12; Lellouch 94/12; Hein 98/10; Yamada 2002/10; Soto 2003/01; Garron 2006/12; Recent Developments in Heavy Flavor Probes in Lattice QCD by Anthony Francis [2015/10] Heavy Flavors on the Lattice by Sasa Prelovsek [2017/05] Re: LATTICE CALCULATIONS: ISGUR-WISE LIMIT: Mandula 98/03; Re: NUCLEON: A review of the intrinsic heavy quark content of the nucleon by S. J. Brodsky et al. [2015/04] Re: QUARK-GLUON PLASMA: Heavy Quarks in the Quark-Gluon Plasma by Ralf Rapp and Hendrik van Hees [2009/03] Re: RESCATTERING: Petrov 99/03; Re: SPECTRAL SUM RULES: Narison 95/03; Re: SPIN SYMMETRY: Mannel 98/03; Re: STRUCTURE FUNCTIONS: Vogt 98/07; Re: THERMAL FIELD THEORY: Heavy quarks at finite temperature by J. H. Weber [2021/07] THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS