HIGGS BOSONS: General: Introductory: Roy 99/12; The Higgs Particle: what is it, and why do we badly need it? by Wolfgang Bietenholz [Bol. Soc. Mex. Fis. 26, 161 (2012)] Colloquium on the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded to Francois Englert and Peter Higgs by Phillip D. Mannheim [2013/11] The hidden symmetry and Mr. Higgs! by Costas Papachristou [2014/01] El boson de Higgs by Graciela B. Gelmini [2014/07] In Spanish. The symmetry and simplicity of the laws of physics and the Higgs boson by Juan Maldacena [2014/10] General: Kunszt 2000/04; Ellis 2000/07; Altarelli 2000/11; Quigg 2002/04; Carena and Haber 2002/08; Haber 2002/12; Reina 2005/12; Higgs-mass predictions: a compilation by Thomas Schucker [2007-2010] Higgs Particle: The Origin of Mass by Yasuhiro Okada [2007/08] Concepts of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Higgs Physics by M. Gomez-Bock et al. [2007/12] Also available in Spanish. Sixty years of Broken Symmetries in Quantum Physics by D. V. Shirkov [2009/03] Unanswered Questions in the Electroweak Theory by Chris Quigg [2009/05] Lectures on Higgs Boson Physics in the Standard Model and Beyond by James D. Wells [2009/09] 71pp. A Pedagogical Review of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Scenarios by Gautam Bhattacharyya [2009/10] Higgs and Electroweak Physics by Sven Heinemeyer [2009/12] Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Nambu-Goldstone Bosons in Quantum Many-Body Systems by Tomas Brauner [2010/01] Aspects of High Energy Nuclear Physics: The Higgs by B. Ghosh and S. Aziz [2010/02] Higgs Physics: Theory by Abdelhak Djouadi [2011/08] A Historical Profile of the Higgs Boson by John Ellis et al. [2012/01] Origins of Mass by Frank Wilczek [2012/06] Unveiling the Higgs mechanism to students by Giovanni Organtini [2012/07] The conceptual heritage of superconductivity - from Meissner-Ochsenfeld to the Higgs Boson by Julius Ranninger [2012/07] O Bóson de Higgs by J. J. Mendes Pimenta et al. [2013/04] In Portuguese. The Higgs: so simple yet so unnatural by Guido Altarelli [2013/05] The Physics of the Higgs-like Boson by Antonio Pich [2013/07] The Higgs Bridge by Roland E. Allen [2013/11] Higgs Physics by John Ellis [2013/12] The Higgs System in and Beyond the Standard Model by Maria Herrero [2013/02] Brief history for the search and discovery of the Higgs particle - A personal perspective by Sau Lan Wu [2014/03] Higgs Physics by Abdelhak Djouadi [2014/09] Was the Higgs boson discovered? by Nguyen Anh Ky and Nguyen Thi Hong Van [2015/03] Contrary to what one might expect from the title, this is a mainstream review paper, not a revisionist critique. Electroweak Corrections by Riccardo Barbieri [2015/03] Higgs Physics by G. Grojean [2015/03] An Updated Historical Profile of the Higgs Boson by John Ellis et al. [2015/04] Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and the Higgs Boson by Antonio Pich [2015/06] Summary of the XXVIIth Rencontres de Blois: Particle Physics and Cosmology by Gavin P. Salam [2015/09] A brief theory overview of Higgs physics at the LHC by Marius Wiesemann [2015/11] The Higgs boson for mathematicians. Lecture notes on gauge theory and symmetry breaking by M. J. D. Hamilton [2015/12] Theory News: Higgs by Joachim Brod [2016/09] Topics in Higgs Physics by John Ellis [2017/02] Lectures of the Theory of the Weak Interaction by Michael E. Peskin [2017/08] Top and Higgs: Recent Theory Developments by Eleni Vryonidou [2017/09] Higgs Physics: It Ain't Over Till It's Over by Sally Dawson et al. [2018/08] Highlights of Discussions on Top Quark and Higgs Physics in CKM 2018 by Abideh Jafari [2018/09] Theory Report on the 11th FCC-ee Workshop by A. Blondel et al. [2019/01] 290 pp. Collider physics at the precision frontier by G. Heinrich [2020/09] 198 pp. The Higgs boson: Its implications and prospects for future discoveries by S. D. Bass et al. [2021/04] The Higgs boson turns ten by G. P. Salam et al. [2022/07] The Higgs boson and its physics: An overview by S. Raychaudhuri [2023/04] The Higgs mechanism and Higgs boson: Unveiling the symmetry of the universe by A. Abokhalil [2023/06] General: Experimental: Spira and Zerwas 98/03; Ghinculov and Binoth 98/07; Barker 98/08; de Boer 98/08; Spira 98/10; Altarelli 98/11; Kuang 99/05; Dittmar 99/07; Peccei 2000/02; Cavalli et al. 2002/03; Djouadi 2002/05; Moortgat-Pick et al. 2002/10; Roy 2003/03; Searching for the Higgs boson by David Rainwater [2007/02] Higgs cross sections: a brief overview by Iacopo Carusotto and Germain Rousseaux [2011/05] LHC Results - Highlights by Gigi Rolandi [2012/06] Higgs Searches Beyond the Standard Model by Rainer Mankel [2014/03] Brief history for the search and discovery of the Higgs particle - A personal perspective by Sau Lan Wu [2014/03] Review of Physics Results from the Tevatron: Higgs Boson Physics by Thomas R. Junk and Aurelio Juste [2014/09] Higgs physics: Review of recent results and prospects from ATLAS and CMS by Martin Flechl for ATLAS and CMS [2015/03] Summary of Recent Progress in Searches for Additional Higgs Bosons by Martin Flechl [2018/09] Higgs Boson Pair Production at Colliders: Status and Perspectives by Biagio Di Micco et al. [2019/10] General: Experimental:ELECTRON COLLIDERS: Richard 98/10; Gerdes 2000/03; Gross and Klier 2002/11; Battaglia 2002/11; General: Experimental: HADRON COLLIDERS: Spira 97/11; Quigg 98/02; Roy 98/03; Ghinculov and Binoth 98/07; Spira 2002/11; Roy 2003/03; LHC Results - Highlights by Gigi Rolandi [2012/06] A brief theory overview of Higgs physics at the LHC by Marius Wiesemann [2015/11] Higgs Boson Production and Decay at Hadron Colliders by Michael Spira [2016/12] General: Experimental: MUON COLLIDERS: Barger 98/02; Higgs Boson and Z Physics at the First Muon Collider by Marcel Demarteau and Tao Han [1998/01] General: Experimental: PHOTON COLLIDERS: Nisius 98/11; Krawczyk 98/12; Type: BEYOND STANDARD MODEL: Lectures on Higgs Boson Physics in the Standard Model and Beyond by James D. Wells [2009/09] 71pp. Nonstandard Higgs Boson Decays by Spencer Chang et al. [2008/01] The Higgs System in and Beyond the Standard Model by Maria Herrero [2013/02] Theory Advances in BSM Physics by Matthew McCullough [2015/08] Higgs Physics: It Ain't Over Till It's Over by Sally Dawson et al. [2018/08] Review of Calculators for BSM Higgs Bosons by Florian Staub [2018/11] Higgs Physics Beyond the Standard Model by Tim Stefaniak [2019/08] Type: EXOTIC: Gunion 98/03; Exotic Higgs decays by M. Cepeda et al. [2021/11] Type: EXTENDED: Gunion 2002/12; Type: LITTLE: Schmaltz 2002/10; Schmaltz and Tucker-Smith 2005/02; A Pedagogical Review of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Scenarios by Gautam Bhattacharyya [2009/10] Aspects of High Energy Nuclear Physics: The Higgs by B. Ghosh and S. Aziz [2010/02] Type: TWIN: Theory Advances in BSM Physics by Matthew McCullough [2015/08] Aspect: MASS: Erler and Langacker 98/01; Froggatt 98/11; Sirlin 98/11; Ellis 98/12; Dawson 99/01; Aspect: MASS: Experimental Evidence: Altarelli et al. 97/12; Erler and Langacker 98/01; Aspect: SOLITONS: Konechny and Schwarz 2001/07; Process: DECAY: Djouadi 97/12; Status of Perturbative QCD Evaluation of Hadronic Decay Rates of the Z and Higgs Bosons by Davison E. Soper and Levan R. Surguladze [Moriond 1995] Process: DECAY: NON-STANDARD: Nonstandard Higgs Boson Decays by Spencer Chang et al. [2008/01] Exotic Higgs decays by M. Cepeda et al. [2021/11] Process: DECAY: Re: STANDARD MODEL: Djouadi 97/12; Hollik 98/11; Djouadi 2005/03a; Process: DECAY: Re: MINIMALLY SUPERSYMMETRIC STANDARD MODEL Djouadi 97/12; Okada 98/11; Djouadi et al. 99/01; Process: PRODUCTION: Dawson 99/01; Higgs Boson Pair Production at Colliders: Status and Perspectives by Biagio Di Micco et al. [2019/10] Process: PRODUCTION: RE: TOP QUARKS: Dawson et al. 2003/05; Re: ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY: A Brief Survey of Higgs Bundles by Ronald Alberto Zúñiga-Rojas [2018/03] Higgs Bundles: Recent Applications by Laura P. Schaposnik [2019/09] Re: COLLIDERS: SUPERCOLLIDERS: Krasnikov and Matveev 99/09; Re: COSMOLOGY: Higgs Inflation by Javier Rubio [2018/07] Cosmological Aspects of Higgs Vacuum Metastability by Tommi Markkanen et al. [2018/09] Higgs Field in Cosmology by Christian F. Steinwachs [2019/09] Progress in Higgs Inflation by D. Y. Cheong et al. [2021/03] The Higgs portal to cosmology by O. Lebedev [2021/04] 115 pp. Re: ELECTROWEAK PHYSICS: Kunszt 2000/03; Altarelli 2000/11; Electroweak Corrections by Riccardo Barbieri [2015/03] Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and the Higgs Boson by Antonio Pich [2015/06] TASI 2016 Lectures: Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Effective Field Theory by Sally Dawson [2016/09] Re: LATTICE FIELD THEORY: Review on Composite Higgs [Lattice Field] Models by Oliver Witzel [2018/07] Re: PENGUIN DIAGRAMS: Dedes 2003/09; Re: STANDARD MODEL: Spira and Zerwas 98/03; Hollik 98/11; Haber 2002/12; Higgs Physics: It Ain't Over Till It's Over by Sally Dawson et al. [2018/08] Re: STRONG COUPLING: Ghinculov and Binoth 98/07; Re: SUPERCONDUCTORS: Higgs Mode in Superconductors by Ryo Shimano and Naotso Tsuji [2019/06] Re: SUPERSYMMETRY: Zwirner 93/03; Gunion 98/01; Spira and Zerwas 98/03; Barker 98/08; Okada 98/11; Djouadi et al. 99/01; Haber 2002/12; Djouadi 2005/03b; A Pedagogical Review of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Scenarios by Gautam Bhattacharyya [2009/10] A Review of Higgs Mass Calculations in Supersymmetric Models by Patrick Draper and Heidi Rzehak [2016/01] Supersymmetry: A decade after Higgs discovery by V. S. Mummidi et al. [2023/06] Re: SYMMETRY BREAKING: Chivukula 98/03; Re: VACUUM STABILITY: Cosmological Aspects of Higgs Vacuum Metastability by Tommi Markkanen et al. [2018/09] Re: VECTOR BOSON SCATTERING: The Higgs boson and the physics of WW scattering before and after Higgs discovery by Michał Szleper [2014/12] Papers not yet cross-referenced: Overview, {same topic -- experimental searches for} {same topic -- in Standard Model} Mass of Higgs Particle, (constraints on) Strong Higgs Sector, THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS