MEMBRANES (Materials, Chemistry, etc.): General: Bowick and Travesset 2000/02; Types: AMPHIPHILIC; Type: BIOLOGICAL: Physical Properties of Biological Membranes by Thomas Heimburg [2009/02] Physical mechanisms of micro- and nanodomain formation in multicomponent lipid membranes by Friederike Schmid [2016/11] [Cell] Membrane-Mediated Interactions by Anne-Florence Bitbol et al. [2019/03] Type: BIOLOGICAL: ELASTIC CAPACITOR MODEL: Partensky 2002/08; Type: CRYSTALLINE: Aspect: DEFECTS: Nelson 95/02; Type: LIPID: Recent theoretical advances in elasticity of [lipid] membranes following Helfrich's spontaneous curvature model by Z. C. Tu and Z. C. Ou-Yang [Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 208, 66 (2014)] Physical mechanisms of micro- and nanodomain formation in multicomponent lipid membranes by Friederike Schmid [2016/11] Type: POLYMERIZED: Wiese 2000/01; THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS
MEMBRANES (Materials, Chemistry, etc.):
Type: CRYSTALLINE: Aspect: DEFECTS: Nelson 95/02; Type: LIPID: Recent theoretical advances in elasticity of [lipid] membranes following Helfrich's spontaneous curvature model by Z. C. Tu and Z. C. Ou-Yang [Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 208, 66 (2014)] Physical mechanisms of micro- and nanodomain formation in multicomponent lipid membranes by Friederike Schmid [2016/11] Type: POLYMERIZED: Wiese 2000/01;