CONDUCTOR-INSULATOR TRANSITION: General: Melikidze (Net Advance Special Bibliography); Insulator-Conductor Transition: A Brief Theoretical Review by M. Cattani et al. [2009/03] Introduction to Metal-Insulator Transitions by Vladimir Dobrosavljevic [2011/12] Strongly Correlated Electrons in Solids by Henri Alloul [Scholarpedia 9, 32067 (2014)] Type: SUPERCONDUCTOR-INSULATOR: Nogueira and Kleinert 2003/03; Superconductor-insulator quantum phase transition by V. F. Gantmakher and V. T. Dolgopolov [Physics Uspekhi 53, 3 (2010)] Highlighting Superconductivity in an Insulator by Alexander Mirlin and Ivan Protopopov [2019/10] Re: LOCALIZATION: Melikidze 98/03; THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS