NOVAE: General: Homepages: Saizar; General: Della Valle 2002/10; The Outbursts of Classical and Recurrent Novae by Michael F. Bode [2009/05] Classical and Recurrent Nova Outbursts by Michael F. Bode [2011/11] Flows and Shocks: Some Recent Developments in Symbiotic [Binary] Star and Nova Research by Jennifer L. Sokolski et al. [2016/09] New insights into classical novae by L. Chomiuk et al. [2020/11] Observations of galactic and extragalactic novae by M. Della Valle and L. Izzo [2020/04] 114 pp. Types: DWARF; X RAY; Type: EXTRAGALACTIC: On a Century of Extragalactic Novae and the Rise of the Rapid Recurrent Novae by Matthew J. Darnley and Martin Henze [2019/09] Observations of galactic and extragalactic novae by M. Della Valle and L. Izzo [2020/04] 114 pp. Type: RECURRENT: Recurrent Novae - A Review by Koji Mukai [2013/09] On a Century of Extragalactic Novae and the Rise of the Rapid Recurrent Novae by Matthew J. Darnley and Martin Henze [2019/09] Accrete, Accrete, Accrete... Bang! (and Repeat): The Remarkable Recurrent Novae by M. J. Darnley [2019/12] Type: SYMBIOTIC: Symbiotic Novae by Joanna Mikolajewska [2010/11] Spectroscopy of Novae -- A User's Manual by Steven N. Shore [2012/11] Aspects: RADIATION: Infrared emission from novae by A. Evans and R. D. Gehrz [2012/09] Spectroscopy of Novae -- A User's Manual by Steven N. Shore [2012/11] Novae in gamma-rays by Margarita Hernanz [Bull. Astr. Soc. India 40, 337 (2012)] Radio studies of novae: a current status report and highlights of new results by Nipuram Roy et al. [2013/02] Aspects: REMNANTS: Bode 2002/11; Re: NUCLEOSYNTHESIS: Synthesis of radioactive elements in novae and supernovae and their use as a diagnostic tool by J. Isern et al. [2021/01] THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS