PROTEINS: General: What is Life? Sub-cellular Physics of Live Matter by Antti J. Niemi [2014/12] Les Houches 2014. Protein preliminaries and structure prediction fundamentals for computer scientists by Mahmood A. Rashid et al. [2015/10] Proteins: The Physics of Amorphous Evolving Matter by Jean-Pierre Eckmann et al. [2019/07] Type: INTRINSICALLY DISORDERED: Current topics, methods, and challenges in the modelling of intrinsically disordered proteins by R. Xian and S. Rauscher [2022/11] Processes: ASSEMBLY: The Physics of Protein Self-Assembly by Jennifer J. McManus et al. [2016/02] Processes: FOLDING: Thirumalai and Klimov 2001/01; Introduction to protein folding for physicists by Pablo Echenique [2007/05] 53 pp. Theoretical Perspectives on Protein Folding by D. Thirumalai et al. [Annual Review of Biophysics 39, 159 (2010)] Euclidean distance geometry and applications by Leo Liberti et al. [2012/05] Processes: FOLDING: DESIGNABILITY: Wingreen et al. 2003/03; Processes: FOLDING: LATTICE MODELS: Thirumalai and Klimov 2001/01; Knotted Proteins: Tie Etiquette in Structural Biology by Ana Nunes and Patricia F. N. Faísca [2019/06] Processes: FOLDING: RANDOM HETEROPOLYMER MODELS: Thirumalai and Klimov 2001/01; Processes: PATTERN FORMATION: Protein Pattern Formation by Erwin Frey et al. [2018/01] Processes: PERTURBATION WAVES: Perturbation waves in proteins and protein networks: Applications of percolation and game theories in signaling and drug design by Miklos A. Antal et al. [2008/02] Processes: TRANSPORT: Mapping energy transport networks in proteins by David M. Leitner and Takahisa Yamato [2018/05] Aspects: ELECTRONICS: Protein bioelectronics: a review of what we do and do not know by Christopher D. Bostick et al. [2017/02] 150 pp. Aspects: SELF-ORGANISATION: Self-organisation of protein patterns by E. Frey and F. Brauns [2020/12] Re: ADSORPTION: Privman 93/12; Re: GAME THEORY: Perturbation waves in proteins and protein networks: Applications of percolation and game theories in signaling and drug design by Miklos A. Antal et al. [2008/02] Re: PERCOLATION: Perturbation waves in proteins and protein networks: Applications of percolation and game theories in signaling and drug design by Miklos A. Antal et al. [2008/02] THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS