SPIN LIQUIDS General: Fisher 98/06; Quantum spin liquids by Gregoire Misguich [Les Houches 2008/07] Quantum Spin Liquids by Lucile Savary and Leon Balents [2016/01] A field guide to spin liquids by Johannes Knolle and Roderich Moessner [2018/04] Quantum Spin Liquids by C. Broholm et al. [2019/05] Fifty years of quantum spin liquids by S. A. Kivelson and S. Sondhi [2023/05] General: Experimental/Observational: Experimental Identification of Quantum Spin Liquids by Jinsheng Wen et al. [2019/04] Type: COPPER TELLURIUM OXIDE MINERALS: Copper Tellurium Oxides: A Playground for Magnetism by Michael R. Norman [2017/08] Type: KITAEV: Kitaev Materials by Simon Trebst [2017/01] Introduction to Topological Phases and Electronic Interactions in (2+1) Dimensions by Leandro O. Nascimento [2017/01] Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid: Concept and Materialization by Hidenori Takagi et al. [2019/03] Type: ONE-DIMENSIONAL: Lecheminant 2003/06; THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS