The Net Advance of Physics:
Lectures on Molecular- and Nano-scale Fluctuations in Water
by David Chandler and Patrick Varilly [2010/07]
The unusual properties of water confined in soft and heterogeneous nanopores
by F.-X. Coudert [2020/04]
Recent advances in design of electrocatalysts for high-current-density water splitting
by Y.-T. Luo et al. [2022/02]
Aspects: PHASES:
Advances in the experimental exploration of water's phase diagram
by Christoph G. Salzmann [2018/12]
Ice: The Paradigm of Wild Plasticity
by Jerome Weiss [2019/02]
Snow Crystals
by Kenneth G. Libbrecht [2019/10]
Amorphous ice in comets: Evidence and consequences
by D. Prialnik and D. Jewitt [2022/09]
Six Hot Topics in Planetary Astronomy
by David Jewitt [
Lect. Notes Phys. 758
, (2008)]
Water on The Moon, I. Historical Overview
by Arlin Crotts [
Astronomical Review 6
, 4 (2011)]
Water on The Moon, II. Origins & Resources
by Arlin Crotts [
Astronomical Review 7
, 36 (2012)]
Interstellar water chemistry: from laboratory to observations
by Ewine F. van Dishoeck [
Chemical Reviews 113
, 9043 (2013)]
Water: from clouds to planets
by Ewine F. van Dishoeck et al. [2014/01]
The Main Belt Comets and Ice in the Solar System
by Colin Snodgrass et al. [2017/09]
The Delivery of Water During Terrestrial Planet Formation
by David P. O'Brien et al. [2018/01]
The when and where of water in the history of the universe
by Karla de Souza Torres and Othon Cabo Winter [2018/03]
Origin of Earth's Water: Sources and Constraints
by K. Meech and S. N. Raymond [2019/12]
Amorphous ice in comets: Evidence and consequences
by D. Prialnik and D. Jewitt [2022/09]
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