- Comets from The Nine Planets by Bill Arnett [SEDS]
Basic information about comets with images and links to comet-related sites.
- Comet Introduction from Views of the Solar System by Calvin J. Hamilton [LANL]
Links to a general discussion of comets and discussions of specific comets; images of comets; a link to an animation of a comet's flight.
- Small Bodies from Welcome to the Planets [JPL]
Images of comets (including Comet Halley) and of other small space objects, such as asteroids and meteorites.
- Comets of Our Solar System from Browse the Solar System [USGS]
Images and statistics of Comet Halley; image of Comet Hyakutake; and information on Shoemaker-Levy 9 with links to other sites about this comet.
- Comets by Gary W. Kronk and Eric S. Young [Washington University]
Wonderful links to information about comets in general and about specific comets. The graphics are well-done and well-integrated into the text.
- Comets [Royal Greenwich Observatory]
Very basic information on comets (no links; no images).
- Comets: Cosmic Snowballs from The Solar System: A Place Called Home by Joe Howard [University of Oklahoma]
Clear exposition of basic information about comets with a few paragraphs about Comet Halley.
- Comet Fact Sheet David Williams [NSSDC]
Table of comets with general information as well as a brief outline of planned missions to selected comets; links to the NSSDC comet home page and other fact sheets.
- Distant Comet Research K.J. Meech [Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii]
Discussion of basic theory of comet formation and comet locations, with notes on current research. Images of Comet Shoemaker from 1987.
Specific Comets:
- Comet Hale-Bopp
- published by Russell Sipe [Sipe Electronic Publishing]
Links to general information on comets and links to specific information and images of Comet Hale-Bopp. A companion electronic magazine is also available.
- Comet Hale-Bopp [Uppsala Astronomical Observatory]
Image of the comet with general information on it and its discovery. Links to other images and more information.
- Comet Hale-Bopp Home Page The Great Comet of 1997? by Ron Baalke [JPL]
A short introductory history of the comet's discovery with links to news items,
images, animations, and other resources.
- Astronomy Picture of the Day: Announcing Comet Hale-Bopp Photo by Erich Meyer and Herbert Raab [Austria]; Astronomy Picture of the Day by Robert Nemiroff [George Mason University] and Jerry Bonnell [Universities Space Research Association]
Night sky image of the comet with a description of Comet Hale-Bopp, featuring many explanatory links to other sites.
- Astronomy Picture of the Day: Comet Hale-Bopp Fades Photo by N. Thomas (MPI), H. Rauer (Observatoire de Paris) and H. Boehnhardt (Universität München), Danish 1.54m Telescope (La Silla), ESO ; Astronomy Picture of the Day by Robert Nemiroff [George Mason University] and Jerry Bonnell [Universities Space Research Association]
Night sky image of the fading comet with commentary, featuring many explanatory links to other sites.
- Comet Hale-Bopp by LT95 [Astronomical Society of Harrisburg]
Table and map of the positions of the comet from 1 December, 1995 to 15 December, 1996.
- Comet Hyakutake
- Comet Lagerkvist
- Comet P/1996 R2 (Lagerkvist) by Johan Lagerros [Uppsala Astronomical Observatory]
Basic information and a small image with links to more details about this comet, the first to have been discovered by a Swede.
- Comet Shoemaker-Levy
- Comet Swift-Tuttle
- The Comet Swift-Tuttle [Royal Greenwich Observatory]
Very basic observational history and current thinking about this comet. (no links; no images).
- Astronomy Picture of the Day: Periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle Photo by D. McDavid [Limber Observatory] and D.C. Boice [Swedish Royal Institute]; Astronomy Picture of the Day by Robert Nemiroff [George Mason University] and Jerry Bonnell [Universities Space Research Association]
Color-enhanced image of the comet with a description of Comet Swift-Tuttle with many explanatory links to other sites.
- Comet Swift-Tuttle NF/Observatory [Western New Mexico University]
Black and white, night sky image of Comet Swift-Tuttle with a link to ``fits'' information.
- Comet Swift-Tuttle Hobbs Observatory [University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire]
Color-enhanced image of the comet.
- Comets from the NSSDC Photo Gallery
Images of famous comets and links to other NSSDC resources, including a fact sheet and FAQ's.
- Comets and Asteroids Browse the Image Archive [JPL]
Radar images of these small bodies with renderings of the comet-Jupiter impact.