The Net Advance of Physics:
Dispersion Laws
OPERA-reassessing data on the energy dependence of the speed of neutrinos
by Giovanni Amelino-Camelia et al. [2011/09]
OPERA, SN1987a and energy dependence of superluminal neutrino velocity
by N. D. Hari Dass [2011/10]
Fitting to data of superluminal neutrinos with phenomenological scenarios
by Li-Ang Zhao and Xin Zhang [2011/10]
Constraint on super-luminal neutrinos from vacuum Cerenkov processes
by Subhendra Mohanty and Soumya Rao [2011/11] Finds the OPERA results possible if neutrino velocity has a quadratic energy dependence.
Non-Standard Neutrino Propagation and Pion Decay
by Massimo Mannarelli et al. [2011/12] Argue that all known dispersion laws lead to problems for superluminal neutrinos.
Superluminal neutrino energy spectrum of OPERA and MINOS
by Ernst Trojan [2011/12]
Neutrino processes with power law dispersion in the light of OPERA observations
by Subhendra Mohanty and Soumya Rao [2011/12] Suggest a power-law correction to the dispersion relation going as at least sixth power of momentum.
Density-Dependent Neutrino Dispersion Relations for OPERA?
by Emilio Ciuffoli et al. [2011/12] Claim experimental data excludes models involving only a modified dispersion-relation without additional new physics.
Is it possible to rescue superluminal neutrinos?
by Francesco Vissani [2012/01] Suggests an
ad hoc
dispersion law which avoids pion-decay and pair-creation problems.
Hyper-relativistic mechanics and superluminal particles
by Yu. I. Bogdanov and A. Yu. Bogdanov [2012/01]
Superluminal Neutrinos