POST-OPERA EXPERIMENTS: Most are proposed experiments.
Any actual experiments or observations are in bold.
Possible cosmogenic neutrino constraints on Planck-scale Lorentz violation
by David M. Mattingly et al.
[J. Cosmol. & Astropart. Phys. 1002, 007 (2010)]
Parameter degeneracies in FNAL-Homestake LBNE setup
by Kalpana Bora
Model of Superluminal Oscillating Neutrinos
by Eugene V. Stefanovich
[2012/01] Includes specific predictions.
Superluminal Neutrino Phenomenon as a Result of the Equivalence Principle Violation
by Oleksandr F. Batsevych and Roman B. Kapustiy
[2012/01] Predicts neutrino-speed anomaly is anisotropic in space.
Are OPERA neutrinos faster than light because of non-inertial reference frames?
by Claudio Germana
[2012/01] "The analysis presented here is falsifiable because
it predicts that performing the experiment from January to
March/April, the neutrino beam will be detected to arrive 50
ns later than light."
Witte-Ulianov Rotation Anisotropy Effect.rotating the
Einstein's Light Clock, to Show that the Neutrinos Travel
at the Light Speed in Opera and Minos Experiments.
by Policarpo Yōshin Ulianov
[2012/01] Predicts results of an upcoming experiment.
Lorentz Invariance Violation in Modified Gravity
by Philippe Brax
[2012/02] Modified by chameleons. Suggests an
observational test.
Results of Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiments Based on the Consideration of Frameworks
by Md. Farid Ahmed
[2012/02] Proposes looking for diurnal variations in neutrino velocity.
Absolute neutrino masses
by Joseph Schechter and M. Naeem Shahid
[2012/04] Neutrino timing-experiments could be used to establish them.
Superluminal neutrinos and quantum cross-correlation theory of neutrino source location
by V. D. Rusov et al.
[2012/04] Proposes an improved experiment.
Testing Violations of Lorentz Invariance with Cosmic-Rays
by Ramanath Cowsik et al.
Neutrino Velocity and the Variability of Fundamental Constants
by Victor Flambaum and Maxim Pospelov
Cosmological constraints on Lorentz invariance violation in the neutrino sector
by Zong-Kuan Guo et al.
[2012/06] "The ongoing Planck experiment could provide improved constraints on the deformation parameter. "
Neutrinos as probes of Lorentz invariance
by Jorge S. Diaz
[Advances in High Energy Physics 2014, 962410 (2014)]
Six observations consistent with the electron neutrino being a tachyon with mass m2 = - .011
by Robert Ehrlich
[2014/08, revised 2014/12]
Measurement of the Velocity of the Neutrino with MINOS
by P. Adamson et al.
The result is technically superluminal, but the uncertainty in the
experiment is compatible with c or less.
Test of Lorentz Invariance with Atmospheric Neutrinos
by the Super-Kamiokande Collaboration
[2014/10] No violations seen.
Precision measurement of the speed of propagation
of neutrinos using the MINOS detectors
by P. Adamson et al.
Once again MINOS finds a speed greater than c,
but with the error bar extending (just) below it.
Limits on the Neutrino Velocity, Lorentz Invariance,
and the Equivalence Principle with TeV neutrinos from
Gamma-Ray Bursts
by Jun-Jie Wei et al.
[2016/03] No evidence of superluminality.
Test of Lorentz Violation with Astrophysical
Neutrino Flavor
by Teppei Katori et al.
Astroparticles and tests of Lorentz invariance
by Jorge S. Diaz
Testing Lorentz and CPT invariance with neutrinos
by Jorge S. Diaz
[Symmetry 8, 105 (2016)]
Search for Lorentz and CPT violation using sidereal
time dependence of neutrino flavor transitions over
a short baseline
by K. Abe et al.
[Physical Review D 95, 111101 (2017)]
None found.
UV Outburst in the M87 Jet: Subluminal or Superluminal?
by Giorgio Capezzali
[Physics Essays 32, No. 1 (2019)]
Mostly arguing that the apparently superluminal jet
mentioned in the title is physically superluminal, but also
discusses evidence of superluminal muon neutrino
motion in the ICARUS and other data.
Lorentz violation from gamma-ray burst neutrinos
by Yanqi Huang and Bo-Qiang Ma
[Communications Physics 1, 62 (2018)]
Find evidence for it in several observations of PeV
neutrinos. Suggest neutrinos superluminal and
antineutrinos subluminal.
Testing Lorentz invariance with neutrinos
by F. W. Stecker
Investigation of the Lorentz-invariance violation in
two-neutrino double-beta decay
by S. A. Ghinescu et al.
A review of searches for evidence of tachyons
by R. Ehrlich
[2022/04] Including neutrinos.