Mars (Last updated 1997)
- Mars Home Page [National Space Science Data Center]
Links to basic information on Mars and missions as well as to other Mars resources; includes link to NASA press release about evidence of life on Mars
- Mars from The Nine Planets by Bill Arnett [SEDS]
Good basic information about the planet with links to more in-depth material; images of the planet and its satellites; list of open questions with links to sites that treat the issue
- Mars: the Red Planet Center for Earth and Planetary Studies [National Air and Space Museum/Smithsonian Institute]
Links to pages about observation and exploration of Mars; Mars Online Resources link is very useful.
- Mars Introduction from Views of the Solar System by Calvin J. Hamilton [LANL]
Links to basic information on the planet and its features as well as to other Mars resources; includes links to NASA statements about the meteorite that may bear evidence of life on Mars
- Mars Welcome to the Planets [JPL]
Basic planet profile with images and explanations of features; also includes image of the meteorite from Elephant Moraine
- The Red Planet: A Survey of Mars compiled by Walter S. Kiefer, Allan H. Treiman, and Stephen M. Clifford of the Lunar Planetary Institute
After a brief history of the fascination of Mars for men, images and text discuss several features of the planet; good bibliography of online and offline resources
- The Planet Mars from Browse the Solar System [USGS]
The constants of Mars with links to information (the IAU's official list of Mars nomenclature, for example) and images, such as Martian hemisheres, as well as to a few other Web resources
- Mars Information Services Department [Royal Greenwich Observatory]
Very basic information on the planet with an image of the planet and an image of Olympus Mons. Links to other RGO pamphlets.
Maps and Images:
- The Mars Atlas [NASA]
Viking images of Mars that allow one to zoom in on features and move around the planet; a fascinating way to explore the planet, although it "does not include pictures of little green penguins or polar bears"
- Multi-Scale Map of Mars Jonathan N. Bradley and Calvin J. Hamilton [LANL]
Map of Mars at O° to 360° Longitude; -47.56° to 47.56° Latitude that allows one to zoom in on features at pixel rates of the viewer's choice
- Mars Image Mosaics [NASA/JPL/USGS]
Links to digital maps of Martian hemispheres and regions; the USGS compiled the maps from the Viking Computer Facility
- Mars Imagery indexed by features [National Air and Space Museum/Smithsonian Institute]
Links to images of geological features of Mars and its moons; includes surface images and meteorite-related images.
Martian Meteorites:
Mars Missions:
- Center for Mars Exploration Jeff Otta [NASA]
Links to the current news about Mars, general information on Mars, and history of missions to Mars; also includes links to educational material.
- The Exploration of Mars Solar System Exploration Division [NASA]
Aimed at high school students, a general overview of mankind's fascination with Mars
- The Rationale for Exploring Mars from Calvin Hamilton's ``Views of the Solar System'' article by Dr. Michael Duke [Johnson Space Flight Center]
Three arguments (science, human expansion and international cooperation) why man should continue to explore Mars
History of Mars Missions:
- Past Mars Missions Kari Kumpulainen [Space Systems, Finland]
Table of missions to Mars from 1960-1988; includes information such as date of mission, country, and main results.
- Mariner 4 Anniversary 30 June, 1995 Public Information Office [JPL]
Press release that recounts Mariner 4's development, launching, and findings
Geology of Mars:
- Internal Structure:
- Volcanism:
- Martian Volcanoes by Calvin J. Hamilton [LANL]
General overview of volcanism on Mars; images and descriptions of Martina volcanoes; short offline bibliography.
- Volcanism on Mars Volcano World [University of North Dakota]
Brief introduction to volcanism on Mars with a map of volcano locations and links to images; also discusses differences between the moon and Mars.
- Volatiles and Volcanoesby K.S. Edgett, B.J. Butler, J.R. Zimbelman, and V.E. Hamilton Poster presented at Workshop on Evolution of Martian Volatiles, Houston, TX, Feb., 1996 [Arizona State University].
Discussion of stealth ash deposits of the western Tharsis, Mars, with links to images and figures; offline bibliography.
- Magma Generation on Mars constrained from an 40Ar degassing model by Eiichi Tajika and Sho Sasaki [University of Tokyo]
Abstract of a paper discussing the degassing history of Mars based on rates of 40Ar release into the atmosphere
- Volcanism and Impact: What was Timing of Events? by Eileen Stansbury [NASA]
Discussion of the ages of the Martian meteorites based on isotope differences and from them, discussion of the age of Mars' mantle. Links to related articles on the meteorites, the Martian atmosphere, and water on Mars.
- Tectonics:
- Martian Tectonics by Jouko Raitalan [University of Oulu, Finland]
Concise discussion of Martian features and tectonics, with links to images of the features. (Captions are bilingual English and Finnish)
- Meteorology:
- Impact Craters:
To contribute to this page, write Norman Redington,