Institutions and organizations
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Organizations Materials Research Center at Northwestern Univ. and its list of Material Sciences Centers, Organizations and their Material World modules . |
The world of materials
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Introductory The world of materials - an excellent site from MIT. MicroWorlds - exploring srtucture of materials; an educational site for 9-12 grades. Kevlar - the wonder material; from MicroWorlds. Materials Science - a small site at IBM. Smart materials - an article from Scientific American. . . | Advanced
topics Engineering materials - a list of many materials used in technology and industry with their detailed description. Materials Education library - a very large and comprehensive site; includes tutorials, databases, downloadable programs, etc. Strength of materials - a complete online course! Chemical engineering materials - a good online course. . |
Metals and alloys
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Introductory Metals - a part of MIT tutorial. Shape memory alloys - contains alot of general and detailed information. . | Advanced
topics . . |
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Introductory Ceramics - a part of MIT tutorial. Piezocreamic tutorial - a very nice site, includes FAQ, theory, hystory etc. | Advanced
topics Carbon and carbon composites - discussion, propetries database and links. WWW Virtual Library: Technical ceramics - further links to institutions, conferences, jurnals etc. . |
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Introductory Dia monds - about atrificially created diamonds. . . | Advanced
topics Mineral properties - a simply huge database. . . |