Nonlinear optical effects in medium
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Introductory The Faraday effect - a large paper online. Optical activity of chiral molecules. | Advanced
topics Optical phase conjugation and Four-wave mixing - online PhD thesis. An Investigation into the Kerr Electro-Optic Effect - short online report; theory and experiment. An Introduction to Optical Activity - online tutorial. |
Light in optically active medium
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Introductory Subluminal - an applet illustrating seemingly superluminal behavior. . . | Advanced
topics Light speed reduction to 17 metres per second in an ultracold atomic gas - a paper from Nature. Slow light (physics/0007097), 3pp. and Negative group velocity (physics/0008013), 16pp. - analysis of phenomena in optically active media from classical poiint of view. Bessel beams (physics/0006046), 8pp. - bessel beams and superluminal group velocity. . |