The Net Advance of Physics: The Nature of Dark Matter, by Kim Griest -- Section 5.
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Previous: Thermal Relics (Wimps)
The best example of a non-thermal particle dark matter candidate
is the axion [18].
Actually, thermal axions are produced in the
standard way, but if such axions existed in numbers sufficient to
make up the dark matter, they would have lifetimes too short to still
be around in quantity.
However, there is another, more important,
production mechanism for axions in the early Universe.
The axion arises because the QCD Lagrangian contains a term
where G is the gluon field strength.
This term predicts an electric
dipole moment of the neutron of
is .
Experimentally, however, the neutron dipole moment
which means .
The question is why does this parameter
have such a small value, when it naturally would have a value near
unity? This is the strong CP problem, and one way to resolve this
problem is to introduce a new Peccei-Quinn symmetry which
predicts a new particle - the axion. The P-Q symmetry forces
at low temperatures today, but in the early Universe, the axion field
was free to roll around the bottom of its Mexican hat potential. The
axion field motion in
the angular direction is called , and since
the curvature of
the potential in this direction is zero, the axion at
high temperatures was massless. However, when the temperature
of the Universe cooled below a few hundred MeV (QCD energy
scale), the axion potential ``tilts" due to QCD instanton effects,
and the axion begins to oscillate around the minimum, like a
marble in the rim of a tilted Mexican hat. The minimum of
the potential forces the average to zero,
solving the strong CP
problem, and the curvature of the potential means the axion now
has a mass. There is no damping mechanism for the axion
oscillations, so the energy density which goes into oscillation
remains until today as a coherent axion field condensate filling the
Universe. This is a zero momentum condensate and so constitutes
cold dark matter.
One can identify this energy density as a bunch
of axion particles,
which later can become the dark matter in halos of galaxies. The
relic energy density is thus related
to the tilt of the potential,
which in turn is related to the axion mass, a free parameter of the
model. If the axion mass
eV, then .
One now sees
why axions are cold dark matter even though they are so light. This
rather unusual story is probably the most elegant solution to the
strong CP problem, and several groups are mounting laboratory
searches for the coherent axions which may make up the major
component of mass in the Galaxy. For example, a group involving
physicists from Lawrence Livermore National Lab, the Russian
INR, the University of Florida, MIT, Fermilab, UC Berkeley, LBL,
and the University of Chicago [19]
is building an extremely low
noise microwave cavity inside of a large magnetic field for this
purpose. The basic idea is that halo axions can interact with the
magnetic field and produce microwave photons. This will happen
resonantly when the cavity is tuned precisely to the axion mass, so
one scans the frequency spectrum looking for such a resonance
signal. Two experiments, one at Florida and one at Brookhaven,
have already used this technique and reported negative results [20].
The sensitivity of these early experiments was significantly below
the expected signal, however, and it is this new experiment which
will for the first time have the capability of detecting dark matter
axions if, in fact, they exist.
Non-thermal Relics as Dark Matter (Axions)
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