Different sources of Radiation
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Introductory Nature of Light - what is light, continuous spectrum, black-body radiation. Light Sources - spectra of different types of light sources; a chapter from the online version of the Light Measurement Handbook. Nature of Light and Absorption and Emission - introductory lectures by J. Watson. Absorption and emission spectra - what's the difference?. Light Emission - slides explaining what is fluorescence, luminescence, phosphorescence, incandescence etc. Physics 2000 project - with several topics on X rays, light and spectroscopy. Sonoluminescence - an enigmatic little-understood phenomenon. What causes St. Elmo's fire? - from Scientific American. | Advanced
topics Lamps - light from usual, discharge and hollow cathode lamps. Sonoluminescence - description and observation techniques. Radiation Sources - a wonderful website; describes properties of both spectrally continuous and spectrally narrow sources. Photonics Dictionary - simply huge quick reference dictionary of terms related to light or EM phenomena. |
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Introductory Gateway to Spectroscopy - a very large site about spectroscopy. Introduction to Spectroscopy - colorful lectures by T.Cafolla; explains Einstein coefficients, line widths etc.. Tutorial on Spectroscopy and related phenomena - enlightens several interesting aspects; too much graphics. What is a Xray spectrum? - an plain language explanation from LBL. Infra-red absorption spectroscopy - a short introductory course. | Advanced
topics Atomic spectroscopy - a large educational site. Spectroscopy - a larger set of online lecture notes by T. Cafolla; covers vibrational, rotational and Raman spectroscopy. Spectroscopy on Internet - a very large list of links related to IR and sub-IR spectroscopy - spectra databases, research groups, online publications, tutorials, newsgroups etc. The Optics of Spectroscopy - a large online tutorial on technical information of optical spectrometry. Spectr oscopy - a very rich site on intrumentation, methods and techniques of experimental spectroscopy; by SciMedia. X-spectrum of elements in periodic table - database from LBL. Atomic transitions - theory from SciMedia. Spectroscopy of Minerals . The Basic Infrared Spectroscopy - a online tutorial. |