  10 Wachusett Drive
  Acton, MA 01720  

Cell Phone: 617-513-9355

Email: bobferrara@alum.mit.edu


I have been fortunate to have several interesting and rewarding jobs at MIT, where I am still an active volunteer. In January, 2019 I retired after 22 good years there. My last position was in the Division of Student Life as Senior Director of Strategic Planning and Alumni Relations. This was an extension of my previous role working with alumni and active members of MIT's fraternities, sororities, and independent living groups, or the FSILG community as it is known here. Being a part of MIT community is especially rewarding because I am an alumnus of the class of 1967. Today the Institute is every bit as vital and stimulating a campus as any time in its history.

My first position at MIT was as Director of I/T Delivery in the Information Services & Technology department. For several years, I maintained a partial appointment in the IS&T department, so we could collaborate on activities with the New England Regional Computing Program (NERCOMP), a dynamic consortium of over 230 higher ed institutions in the Northeast, of which I was Treasurer for several years. Before this, I worked for two exciting decades in Raytheon's Electronic Systems and Missile Systems Divisions.

This picture of my twin brother Ray and me (in blue shirt) on a visit to the Midwest many years ago. This website was designed by our talented sister Gen.