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We were so deeply thankful for all the love and support of family, friends, and the larger community who helped us honor our son Mike's memory. He had a difficult life, beset by mental illness. The services for Mike were held on Sunday, January 12, 2020 at the Congregation Beth Elohim in Acton. Massachusetts. He was interred that afternoon day at Beit Olam Cemetery in Wayland, Massachusetts. The weather that Sunday was sunny and cloudless, the warmest January day on record in Massachusetts history. We and all those who were there to honor Mike's memory that day are grateful for such a beautiful, though quite atypical, New England winter’s day. 

Here’s a picture of Mike from happier times, and on the right below are link Mike’s Program and Memories.

A person standing on top of a grass covered field

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Program from Mike’s Service

Remembrances by his father Bob

Remembrances by his sister Liz

Remembrances by Rabbi Mike Rothbaum

Lessons from Mike’s family

You may also add a memory to Mike’s book at Dignity Chapel HERE, or you may consider making a contribution in Mike’s memory by donating to the Poitras Center for Psychiatric Disorders at MIT. You may do this online HERE or via a check made out to “MIT” and on the cover letter or check memo please indicate that the gift is in memory of Michael Ferrara. Checks can be sent to: Bonny Kellermann '72, Director of Memorial Gifts, 600 Memorial Drive, Room W98-526, Cambridge, MA  02139.

With Love, Liz Beal and Bob & Deena Ferrara