
I am a fifth year Ph.D. student in Operations Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, co-supervised by Prof. Georgia Perakis and Prof. Yanchong (Karen) Zheng. I will be on the job market for this academic year 2018-2019.

My primary research interests are at the intersection of mathematical modeling, data-driven optimization and behavioral operations management with applications in revenue management and pricing.

My current research in Behavioral Operations Management involves developing markdown pricing strategies with consumers' quality perception. My research in data-driven optimization focuses on designing data-driven approaches for promotions and rewards programs, as well as for pricing heterogeneous products. My research in Mathematical Modeling involves optimizing over objectives determined from machine learning algorithms.

Prior to joining MIT, I graduated from Ecole Polytechnique with a B.S and M.S degree in Applied Mathematics. Previous work experiences include visiting researcher position at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Berkeley in convex optimization and algorithmic game theory for four months with Prof. Alex Bayen, and a summer internship in strategic consultancy at CVA.

My CV can be found here.


Honors and Awards

  • Winner of the Data Mining Best Theoretical Paper Competition (INFORMS 2018) for "Optimizing Objective Functions Determined From Random Forests", 2018.
  • Runner-up, Best ORC student Paper for "Markdown Pricing with Quality Perception and Optimism", 2017.
  • Jean Gaillard Fellowship award , 2014.
  • Egide grant awarded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2011.


    Recent Presentations and Invited Talks

  • Rewards or Discounts: Improving Fast Food Chain Operations, with G. Perakis and K. Zheng, INFORMS 2018.

  • Optimizing Objective Functions Determined From Random Forests , with M. Biggs and G. Perakis, Data Mining Best Theoretical Paper, INFORMS 2018.

  • Pricing for Heterogeneous Products: Analytics of Ticket Reselling , with Alley, M., Biggs, M., Hermann, C., Li, M. and Perakis, G., INFORMS 2018.

  • Rewards or Discounts: Improving Fast Food Chain Operations, with G. Perakis and K. Zheng, MSOM 2018.

  • A Data-driven Approach to Promotions and Rewards Programs, with G. Perakis and K. Zheng, INFORMS 2017.

  • Optimizing Objective Functions Determined From Random Forests , with M. Biggs, INFORMS 2017.

  • Markdown Pricing with Quality Perception and Optimism, with G. Perakis, W. Sinchaisri and K. Zheng, POMS 2017, MSOM 2017.

  • Young Researchers Workshop on Data-Driven Decision Making . Cornell ORIE, October 2016


Recent Experience

IBM Research, Inc. (May 2016 to August 2016).

Research Scientist at the Business Solutions and Mathematical Sciences Division
  • Worked on Location-based Audience Segmentation and Personalized Geo-targeting via Random Walks.

Teaching Experience

  • Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Operations Management (15.778), Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Summer 2017, Score 6.61/7.
  • Teaching Assistant for The Analytcis of Operations Management (15.S72), Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fall 2016, Score 6.7/7.
  • Teaching assistant for Data, Models, and Decisions (15.060) at Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fall 2015.
  • Teaching assistant for courses in Mathematics and Physics at Lycée Julie-Victoire Daubié-Val d'argenteuil, France, October 2011 to April 2012.