Fall 2021 Meeting of the New England Section of APS
Friday and Saturday, October 22, 23  2021
"The Maine Event"
To better suit the restrictions of a virtual meeting, this fall 2021
meeting will not have a traditional host. Rather, the meeting will
spotlight departments in Maine that, due to location, are rarely the
sites of NES meetings. Each institution will present an invited talk
about the their physics department.
ABSTRACTS     DUE BY 11:59pm, Thursday, October 14
Abstracts for contributions, both posters and oral presentations, are due by 11:59pm eastern time on Thursday,
October 14; they should be sumbitted
REGISTRATION     REGISTRATION CLOSES 9:00am, Thursday, October 21
On Saturday, October 23 (at a time to be announced), there will be a
special invited talk by Dr. Sufi Zafar "Minaturized Biosensors for
Healthcare," by Sufi Zafar of the IBM Watson Research
Center. Dr. Zafar is the recent winner of the APS award:
"Distinguished Lectureship on the Applications of Physics." Her
biosketch can be accessed
here, and the abstract of the talk
CONTRIBUTED TALKS AND POSTERS     DUE BY 11:59pm, Wednesday, October 20
ALL TALK MP4s AND POSTERS ARE TO BE MAILED TO rprice.physics@gmail.com
Poster presenters: We must have your email address for Q and A; please send it along with the poster.
Due to the online format, we will require all posters and contributed talks to be given to the organizers before the meeting starts. This will prevent any difficulties in internet connection from disrupting the schedule.
The deadline for contributions to be delivered to the organizers
is 11:59pm, Wednesday, October 20. Due to experiences at the last
meeting, there will be no late contributions accepted. Instructions
for submissions are above.
The organizers remind contributors that talks and posters should not be at the level of research seminars, but should be intended for a broader technical audience. Contributors who submit talks that are judged to be overly technical will be asked to convert posters in their place.
All contributed talks should be submitted as mp4's with embedded audio. Some bare bone instructions are linked in the following for Keynote
and for PowerPoint.
Posters should be submitted as pdfs, with the same amount of content that contributors would put on a poster for a traditional in-person meeting.
Due to APS restrictions, there will a reference to a poster session on Friday evening. This may be misleading. In fact there is no "poster session," no time set aside explicitly for posters. Rather, the posters will be available for viewing and, for the submission of questions, throughout the meeting.
Abstracts of the posters can be found
here. Links to the posters can be found
here. Email addresses for the corresponding author(s) are listed with the abstracts.