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00001 /* Version 2! Another attempt, shit was broken. */
00002 package riverrat;
00004 import java.util.Vector;
00005 import org.xml.sax.Locator;
00006 import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
00007 import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
00008 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
00015 public class Race implements ContentHandler {
00021         public static final int MODE_FINISHED = 3;
00028         public static final int MODE_LIVE = 2;
00035         public static final int MODE_SETUP = 1;
00042         public static final int MODE_NONE = 0;
00048         RiverRatListener rrlistener;
00056         Thread listenthread;
00059         Vector boatlist;
00062         Vector marklist;
00065         long starttime;
00071         int mode;
00077         String name;
00082         int racenum;
00088         int raceid;
00093         public Race() {
00094                 //do race initialization stuff here
00095                 boatlist = new Vector();
00096                 marklist = new Vector();
00097                 starttime = (long)-1;
00098         }
00107         public Race(String host, int port) {
00108                 this();
00109                 rrlistener = new RiverRatListener(this, host, port);
00110                 listenthread = new Thread(rrlistener);
00111                 listenthread.start();
00112         }
00119         public synchronized int numBoats() {
00120                 return boatlist.size();
00121         }
00128         public synchronized int numMarks() {
00129                 return marklist.size();
00130         }
00137         public synchronized void addBoat(Boat newboat) {
00138                 boatlist.addElement(newboat);
00139         }
00146         public synchronized void addMark(Mark newmark) {
00147                 marklist.addElement(newmark);
00148         }
00155         public synchronized void addRaceObject(RaceObject newobject) {
00156                 if (newobject instanceof Mark) addMark((Mark) newobject);
00157                 else if (newobject instanceof Boat) addBoat((Boat) newobject);
00158         }
00166         public synchronized Boat getBoat(int id) throws NoSuchObjectException {
00167                 for(int i = 0; i < boatlist.size(); i++) {
00168                         if(((Boat) boatlist.elementAt(i)).getID() == id) {
00169                                 return (Boat) boatlist.elementAt(i);
00170                         }
00171                 }
00172                 throw new NoSuchObjectException();
00173         }
00181         public synchronized Mark getMark(int id) throws NoSuchObjectException {
00182                 for(int i = 0; i < marklist.size(); i++) {
00183                         if(((Mark) marklist.elementAt(i)).getID() == id) {
00184                                 return (Mark) marklist.elementAt(i);
00185                         }
00186                 }
00187                 throw new NoSuchObjectException();
00188         }       
00195         public synchronized long getStartTime() {
00196                 return starttime;
00197         }
00205         public synchronized int getMode() {
00206                 return mode;
00207         }
00214         public synchronized String getName() {
00215                 return name;
00216         }
00223         public synchronized int getNum() {
00224                 return racenum;
00225         }
00232         public synchronized int getID() {
00233                 return raceid;
00234         }
00241         public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
00242                 //System.out.println("Starting document");
00243         }
00249         public void startElement(String uri, String localpart, String rawname, Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
00250                 //System.out.println("Starting element "+rawname);
00251                 String attrname;
00252                 int length = attrs != null ? attrs.getLength() : 0;
00253                 if(rawname == "race") {
00254                         //parse race attributes
00255                         for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
00256                                 attrname = attrs.getQName(i);
00257                                 if(attrname == "id") {
00258                                         raceid = Integer.decode(attrs.getValue(i)).intValue();
00259                                 } else if(attrname == "race") {
00260                                         racenum = Integer.decode(attrs.getValue(i)).intValue();
00261                                 } else if(attrname == "regatta") {
00262                                         name = attrs.getValue(i);
00263                                 }
00264                         }
00265                 } else if(rawname == "setup") {
00266                         mode = MODE_SETUP;
00267                 } else if(rawname == "live") {
00268                         mode = MODE_LIVE;
00269                 } else if(rawname == "starttime") {
00270                         //parse starting time of the Race and fill in starttime with it
00271                         for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
00272                                 attrname = attrs.getQName(i);
00273                                 if(attrname == "data") {
00274                                         //parse the month/day/year portion of the starting time
00275                                 } else if(attrname == "time") {
00276                                         //parse the System.time portion of the starting time
00277                                         starttime = Long.decode(attrs.getValue(i)).longValue();
00278                                 }
00279                         }
00280                 } else if((rawname == "boat") || (rawname == "mark")) {
00281                         int newobjid = -1, newobjsn = -1;
00282                         long newobjtime = (long) -1;
00283                         float newobjlat = 0.0f, newobjlon = 0.0f, newobjhdg = -1.0f, newobjvel = -1.0f, newobjheel = 0.0f;
00284                         for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
00285                                 attrname = attrs.getQName(i);
00286                                 if(attrname == "id") {
00287                                         newobjid = Integer.decode(attrs.getValue(i)).intValue();
00288                                 } else if(attrname == "sn") {
00289                                         newobjsn = Integer.decode(attrs.getValue(i)).intValue();
00290                                 } else if(attrname == "time") {
00291                                         newobjtime = Long.decode(attrs.getValue(i)).longValue();
00292                                 } else if(attrname == "lat") {
00293                                         newobjlat = Float.parseFloat(attrs.getValue(i));
00294                                 } else if(attrname == "lon") {
00295                                         newobjlon = Float.parseFloat(attrs.getValue(i));
00296                                 } else if(attrname == "hdg") {
00297                                         newobjhdg = Float.parseFloat(attrs.getValue(i));
00298                                 } else if(attrname == "vel") {
00299                                         newobjvel = Float.parseFloat(attrs.getValue(i));
00300                                 } else if(attrname == "heel") {
00301                                         newobjheel = Float.parseFloat(attrs.getValue(i));
00302                                 }
00303                         }
00304                         //have all the values now in newobj_vars
00305                         if(mode == MODE_SETUP) {
00306                                 //try to update existing object. if it doesn't exist, create it.
00307                                 if(rawname == "boat") {
00308                                         try {
00309                                                 //update object
00310                                                 getBoat(newobjid).setSN(newobjsn);
00311                                         } catch(NoSuchObjectException ex) {
00312                                                 //doesn't exist, create it first, then update it
00313                                                 addBoat(new Boat(newobjid));
00314                                                 getBoat(newobjid).setSN(newobjsn);
00315                                         }
00316                                 }
00317                                 if(rawname == "mark") {
00318                                         try {
00319                                                 //update object
00320                                                 getMark(newobjid).setSN(newobjsn);
00321                                         } catch(NoSuchObjectException ex) {
00322                                                 //doesn't exist, create it
00323                                                 addMark(new Mark(newobjid));
00324                                                 getMark(newobjid).setSN(newobjsn);
00325                                         }
00326                                 }
00327                         } else if(mode == MODE_LIVE) {
00328                                 //update existing object. if specified object does not exist, throw a NoSuchObjectException
00329                                 if(rawname == "boat") {
00330                                         try {
00331                                                 //update object
00332                                                 getBoat(newobjid).update(new Fix(newobjlat, newobjlon, newobjtime, newobjvel, newobjhdg, newobjheel));
00333                                         } catch(NoSuchObjectException ex) {
00334                                                 //something's fucked.
00335                                         }
00336                                 } else if(rawname == "mark") {
00337                                         try {
00338                                                 //update object
00339                                                 getMark(newobjid).update(new Fix(newobjlat, newobjlon, newobjtime, newobjvel, newobjhdg, newobjheel));
00340                                         } catch(NoSuchObjectException ex) {
00341                                                 //something's fucked
00342                                         }
00343                                 }
00344                         }
00345                 }
00346         }
00353         public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
00354                 //System.out.println("Ending document");
00355         }
00361         public void endElement(String uri, String localpart, String rawname) throws SAXException {
00362                 //System.out.println("Ending element "+rawname);
00363                 if((rawname == "setup") || (rawname == "live")) {
00364                         mode = MODE_NONE;
00365                 }
00366                 if(rawname == "race") {
00367                         mode = MODE_FINISHED;
00368                 }
00369         }
00372         public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {}
00375         public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException {}
00378         public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {}
00381         public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) throws SAXException {}
00384         public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {}
00387         public void skippedEntity(String name) throws SAXException {}
00390         public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) throws SAXException {}
00393         public static void main(String args[]) {
00394                 System.out.println("Starting Race class test case...");
00395                 Race testrace = new Race("localhost", 8080);
00396                 while(true) {
00397                         System.out.println("Race now has "+testrace.numBoats()+" boats.");
00398                         System.out.println("Race is in mode "+testrace.getMode());
00399                         if(testrace.getMode() == MODE_FINISHED) {
00400                                 System.out.println("Race finished.");
00401                                 System.exit(0);
00402                         }
00403                         for(int boatid = 0; boatid < testrace.numBoats(); boatid++) {
00404                                 System.out.println(" - "+testrace.getBoat(boatid).boatToString());
00405                         }
00406                         try {
00407                                 Thread.sleep(100);
00408                         } catch(InterruptedException ex) {
00409                                 System.err.println("Interrupted.");
00410                         }
00411                 }
00412         }
00413 } //class Race

Brought to you by the RiverRat team.