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Yves Bernabe

Research Scientist
Phone: (617) 253-3391
Bldg. 54-722
Email: yvb@mit.edu


Yves Bernabe
William B. Durham

Senior Research Scientist
Ph.D., 1975, MIT
Phone: (617) 253-5810
Bldg. 54-720
Email: wbdurham@mit.edu
Website: Homepage

Interests: Laboratory experimentation to measure the strength of geological and planetary materials at high pressures and extreme temperatures. My current focus is in two areas: (1) flow and fracture of water ice (including its high-pressure phases through ice VI), and of other frozen volatiles (such as methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide) to help constrain models of planetary dynamics and surface geology on Mars and icy satellites of the outer solar system; and (2) flow of olivine-bearing rocks to help us constrain the internal dynamics of our own planet. The latter experiments involve a new kind of deformation apparatus called the Deformation-DIA and the use of synchrotron x rays to measure stress and plastic strain.

Bill Durham
Prof. J. Brian Evans

Professor of Geophysics
Ph.D., 1978, MIT
Phone: (617) 253-2856
Bldg: 54-718
Email: brievans@mit.edu

Interests: The effect of fluids and iimpurities on strength; interrelationships of porosity, permeability; and plastic flow.

Brian Evans
Ulrich Mok

Postdoctoral Associate
Phone: (617) 253-3391
Bldg. 54-722
Email: u_mok@mit.edu



Nick Austin

Doctoral Student
Phone: (617) 253-5810
Bldg. 54-712
Email: naustin@mit.edu


Nick Austin
Nathaniel A. Dixon

Doctoral Student
Phone: (617) 253-5810
Bldg. 54-712
Email: dixonn@mit.edu

Nathaniel Dixon
Sudish Kumar Bakku

Doctoral Student
Phone: (617) 253-5810
Bldg. 54-710
Email: sudhi@mit.edu

Lili Xu

Doctoral Student
Phone: (617) 253-5810
Bldg. 54-712
Email: lilixu@mit.edu

Lili Xu
Visiting Scientists

Javier Escartin

Visiting Scientistt
Phone: (617) 253-5810
Bldg. 54-715
Email: escartin@mit.edu

Javier Escartin
Prof. Renee Heilbronner

Visting Scientist
Phone: (617) 253-5810
Bldg. 54-710
Email: naustin@mit.edu

Prof. Greg Hirth

Phone: (617) 253-5810
Bldg. 54-710
Email: naustin@mit.edu

Prof. Joerg Renner

Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum
Phone: (617) 253-5810
Bldg. 54-710
Email: jrenner@mit.edu

Joerg Renner

Mailing Address:
Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 USA