RSA Elections
Sunday, April 23, 2006

According to the tradition, the elections for the new executive board of RSA took place during the Easter dinner. For the first time in six years, two candidates run for president (see the 2000 election here ). The results of the voting are below:

  1. President
    Emanuel Stoica - 11 votes
    Virgil Petrea - 7 votes
    void - 1 vote

  2. Vicepresident
    Virgil Petrea (rerunning) - unopposed

  3. Treasurer
    Dan Iancu - unopposed

  4. Secretary
    Mihai Patrascu - unopposed

The resulting committee is:

  • President: Emanuel Stoica
  • Vicepresident: Virgil Petrea
  • Treasurer: Dan Iancu
  • Secretary: Mihai Patrascu