Directions to 6-120

The MIT Campus is conveniently located in Cambridge, MA. You can reach it in several ways:
  1. By car: click here for some very detailed directions and parking suggestions. Once you are on the MIT campus, try to find MIT's main entrance (77 Massachusetts Avenue).
  2. By bus: take the bus no. 1 to 77 Mass. Avenue (the main entrance to MIT - a big neo-classical style building with tall columns).
  3. By subway: take the Red Line to the Central Square Station. Walk South (toward Boston) on Massachusetts Avenue. After <10 minutes, you should arrive at the MIT main entrace; next, just follow the map below. Alternatively, take the Red Line to Kendall Square, and follow the dotted line from the map below.

After you reach the MIT campus, use the map below:

Good luck!