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Party in Tang Hall - Ruxandra's Birthday

Saturday, May 27, 1995

Left: Ruxandra Golinescu
Center: Florin Morosan
Mihaela, Natasha & Victor Nistor, Golinescu,
Florin Morosan, Fred Floru, people

Dan Ionescu in his newly purchased 'hanorac'

Ioanid, contemplating
the scenery

Marina Meila, Mihai Farcas
and wife Stephanie
Happy Birthday, Ruxandra!

Florin, Mr. and Mrs. Golinescu

Victor Nistor (Harvard),
Radu Constantinescu, Ioanid



Razvan Bena, Dan Ionescu,
Isabela, Ioanid
Razvan, Ioanid, Radu & Isabela,

Voichita Marinescu, Ioana Popescu,
Sergiu Moroianu
Taking care of business

Photos by Ioanid Rosu.

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