Qualitative Data Analysis Software
• Qualitative Data Analysis Software
• Alceste
TITLE : Alceste
M. Reinert, C.N.R.S. with the support of the ANVAR
STATUS : Commercial
RATE : *

Alceste is a software for the Textual Data Analysis, developed by the C.N.R.S. with the support of the ANVAR . This is an important tool for the automatic analysis of textual data (open questions, litterature works, magazine articles, essays, etc.).

The software Alceste can be used in Sociology,  Psychology,  Surveys processing, Speeches analysis, Advices in Marketing, Advertising, Journalism, History, Law,  Linguistics,  Medecine, Documentary research, Press analysis, and finally in the fields there are lots of texts to process.
The aim is to quantify a text to extract its strongest significant structures so as to draw the essential information contained in teh textual data. Research has shown (J.P. Benzecri , M. Reinert) that these structures are closely linked to the distribution of the words in a text and that this distribution is rarely done at random. Describe, classify, assimilate, synthesize automatically a text is the interest of ALCESTE.
• Analyses textuelles et analyses de contenu de media
• http://www.lboro.ac.uk/research/mmethods/index.html
The ESRC project evaluates and develop methods for the analysis of media content, in particular news. The substantive concern is with the portrayal of policy, politics and politicians, but this will also enable the application and methodological assessment of innovative approaches to media content analysis.
• http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/surveillance/resources/software/answr/index.htm
AnSWR is a software system for coordinating and conducting large-scale, team-based analysis projects that integrate qualitative and quantitative techniques.
• Atlas **
• http://atlasti.com/
Category : Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software
Source : An early prototype of ATLAS.ti was developed as part of the ATLAS Project (1989-1992) at the Technical University of Berlin. In 1993, Thomas Muhr released the first commercial version of ATLAS.ti, marking the beginnings of Scientific Software Development, now ATLAS.ti GmbH.
Status : commercial
Summary : ATLAS.ti is a powerful workbench for the qualitative analysis of large bodies of textual, graphical, audio and video data. It offers a variety of tools for accomplishing the tasks associated with any systematic approach to "soft" data--i.e., material which cannot be analyzed by formal, statistical approaches.

pour formatage voir
Product: Atlas.ti 
Developer: Thomas MuhrDeveloper Site: http://www.atlasti.com/index.php Platform: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0
Price: $395.00 (Educational-Single Copy); $715.00 (Standard- Single Copy); $1,580.00 (Educational-5 Pack); $2,860.00 (Standard-5 Pack); $1,440.00 (Educational Workstation-Qty. 5); $2,640.00 (Standard Workstation-Qty. 5) 
Scope: Text, digital Audio and Video Analysis Free Trial Download: http://www.atlasti.com/download.php
• Automap
• http://www.casos.cs.cmu.edu/projects/automap/index.html
AutoMap uses parts of speech tagging and proximity analysis to do computer-assisted Network Text Analysis (NTA). NTA encodes the links among words in a text and constructs a network of the linked words.
• Docuburst
• http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~ccollins/research/docuburst.html
Christopher Collins, Sheelagh Carpendale and Gerald Penn
Project Description:
DocuBurst is the first visualization of document content which takes advantage of the human-created structure in lexical databases. The authors used an accepted design paradigm to generate visualizations which improve the usability and utility of WordNet as the backbone for document content visualization. A radial, space-filling layout of hyponymy (IS-A relation) is presented with interactive techniques of zoom, filter, and details-on-demand for the task of document visualization. The techniques can be generalized to multiple documents.
To use DocuBurst, a user loads a document of interest into the visualization, and chooses a WordNet node at which to root the visualization. Below, we see that "idea" was chosen to root the visualization, and the occurrences of concepts that fall under "idea" appear in the visualization. The gold coloured nodes indicate search results for nodes matching 'pl' at the beginning.
The visualization can be used to drill down into the loaded document. A paragraph browser, with a fish-eye lens, at the right of the DocuBurst display shows which paragraphs in the document from beginning to end (top to bottom) contain the selected node. By clicking any of the paragraph numbers the full text of that paragraph is shown in the details window, with occurrences of the selected node highlighted in the text.

or see this description :
a new data visualization method for representing document content by a radial space filling layout technique. "docuburst" aims to provide a more intuitive abstraction than those developed through statistical techniques.the root node is shown as a circle. all other nodes are assigned to a sector of an annulus with angular width which is part of the parent node’s width, depending on the amount of word occurrences. highly coloured nodes have many occurrences, while almost transparent nodes have few occurrences.
• Leximedia2007
•  contact : Didier Bourigault & Franck Sajous
CLLE-ERSS laboratory, CNRS and Université Toulouse-Le Mirail
Lexicographic tools for newspapers (here for presidential election). Interesting tool that should be use for other investigation's topics.
• Document Icons
• http://web.media.mit.edu/~amber/cogmac/cogmac1.html
an aesthetic data visualisation designed to allow users to search intuitively through content of 7 million text documents by reconfiguring histograms used by common search engines. A histogram of words & their corresponding weights relative to a given set of documents is ordered to cluster loosely defined concepts, & then wrapped around a point. the resulting circular histograms can then be used to compare features between tens of documents in a single frame.
• Parsing the State of the Union
• http://www.style.org/stateoftheunion/parse/?q=freedom&q2=liberty
a collection of simple but effective data visualizations that compare different textual features within the State of the Union speeches of various US presidents. users can visually compare sentence length or word count, & interactively explore 'word incidence' of specific keywords: graphs show the relative positions & the amount of times specific keywords (such as 'freedom', 'war', 'liberty', 'tax', 'economy' & so on) appear within all the important speeches of George W. Bush, or within the historical speeches of past US presidents.
• Textmap ***
• http://www.textmap.com/
TextMap is a search engine for entities: the important (and not so important)people, places, and things in the news. Our news analysis system automatically identifies and monitors these entities, and identifies meaningful relationships between them. TextMap analyzes both the temporal and geographical distribution of news entities. We literally monitor the state-of-the-world through our analysis of roughly 1000 domestic and international news sources every day. TextMap uses natural language processing techniques to track entity references in news sources, and a variety of statistical techniques to analyze the relationships between them.
• Text visualization tool / Neoformix **
• http://www.neoformix.com/2007/ATextExplorer.html#SummaryEnd
interactive tool to explore the structure of a text document.
• N6 (NUD*IST)
• http://www.qsrinternational.com/products_previous-products_n6.aspx

N6 is the newest version of NUD*IST. It is designed to both code textual data and to efficiently search and navigate your research material.

Product: NUD*IST N6Developer: QSR International Pty Ltd (QSR) 
Developer Site: http://www.qsr.com.au/products/productoverview/N6.htm Platform: Windows 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XPPrice: $325 (Educational-Single Copy); $535 (Commercial- Single Copy); $150 (Student - Single copy)Scope: Text analysisFree Trial Download: http://www.qsr.com.au/DemoReg/DemoReg1.asp
• http://www.qsrinternational.com/products.aspx

NVivo, a derivative, but not necessarily a replacement for NUD*IST, helps you to annotate and organize qualitative data. While it has less coding capabilities than its sister N6, its organizing functions are more elaborate, allowing you to link data in a variety of ways.

• Transana
• http://www.transana.org/
Transana is software for professional researchers who want to analyze digital video or audio data. Transana lets you analyze and manage your data in very sophisticated ways. Transcribe it, identify analytically interesting clips, assign keywords to clips, arrange and rearrange clips, create complex collections of interrelated clips, explore relationships between applied keywords, and share your analysis with colleagues. The result is a new way to focus on your data, and a new way to manage large collections of video and audio files and clips.
Transana is inexpensive and Open Source. It was developed at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, where it continues to be maintained and enhanced. It is widely used in the education research community, where video is an integral part of most researchers' methods. Researchers in many other disciplines also find it useful in their work.
Transana is cross-platform. Transana runs on Windows and Apple OS X in both single-user and multi-user versions.
for more info :
Product: Transana
Developer: David Woods, Wisconsin Center for Education Research Developer Site: http://www.transana.org Platform: Windows 3.0 or 3.1, Windows 95
Price: Freeware
Scope: A tool for the transcription & qualitative analysis of audio & video dataFree Trial Download: http://www.transana.org
• Hyper research
• http://www.researchware.com/
HyperRESEARCH™ is an easy to use qualitative data analysis software package enabling you to code and retrieve, build theories, and conduct analyses of your data. Now with advanced multimedia capabilities, HyperRESEARCH allows you to work with text, graphics, audio, and video sources — making it an invaluable research analysis tool.
HyperRESEARCH assists in the coding of textual and multimedia data. Initially developed on the Mac-OS platform and now native to OS X, its Windows™ interface reminds of Apple™. Unlike many other CAQDAS, HyperRESEARCH allows for the coding of sequences from audio and video files.
• Maxqda
• http://www.maxqda.com/
MAXQDA is a state-of-the-art instrument for professional text analysis. MAXqda is the successor of winMAX (a software similar to NVivo and ATLAS.ti .ypes of media data). Unlike most other CAQDAS, it was not developed on the background of Grounded Theory, but has taken more cues from Weberian approaches. It Windows 3.11 style interface inherited some of the earlier problems with window handling, but it is a very ordered and intuitive interface. MAXqda only accepts RTF format.
• Qualrus
QualrusTM is qualitative analysis software that uses an array of intelligent computational strategies to assist with coding and qualitative research. It allows for a number of coding strategies, has sophisticated search possibilities, and can handle a variety of data types, and code audio and video data effectively. Qualrus is the only CAQDAS, which features an algorhythm that suggests codes. Its facilities for data structuring are a little less developed than their counterparts in ATLAS.ti and NVivo. Qualrus can be used for the full range of qualitative research approaches, including grounded theory (in which concepts emerge from the data), cultural analysis, interpretive methods, domain analysis, semiotics, life histories, deconstruction, bracketing, experiential analysis, and narratives.
• Text Analysis Markup System
• http://sourceforge.net/projects/tamsys
Text Analysis Markup System (TAMS) is both a system of marking documents for qualitative analysis and a series of tools for mining information based on that syntax.
Project Admins: alemanleft 
Operating System: All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), OS X 
License: GNU General Public License (GPL) 
Category: Sociology
Text Analysis Markup System for the Mac OS and Linux/UNIX