Hands-The Fifty-Four Bones

Looking for the non existing pocket
I find my friendly hands
Hands that have never touched moon rocks
Hands that have never felt nails
So many times gesturing as if being tongues
Talking quietly while writing
Friendly hands...
I want see-through gloves for them
I want to protect them without hiding them
Later on maybe I will make them disappear
But not now that I have them up close
Always here, the fifty four bones with me
Different occasions.Different action:
A punch, a greeting
Always they
Clapping or stoning.

Not having the finger that gave life to Adam
Never were they the ones that raised trophies
hands that never touched the moon rocks
Hands that never felt nails
They aren't less important
They are hands... my hands.
Hands that my chest will carry
One over the other
In a last caress to myself
Even with no movement

Marcelo Carboni
